Here are some pictures of my machined engine block.
It's currently a lot of oil on it to protect the surfaces. The head surface is very very smooth. The difference in surface that is visible is not anything that I can feel with fingers or fingernails, not even when I really try to feel them.
I painted a single coat of paint to keep the rust away. I will finish it when the freeze plugs are in.
Should I use some sort of cylindrical locking paste on the freeze plugs?
What do you think about the block?
It's currently a lot of oil on it to protect the surfaces. The head surface is very very smooth. The difference in surface that is visible is not anything that I can feel with fingers or fingernails, not even when I really try to feel them.
I painted a single coat of paint to keep the rust away. I will finish it when the freeze plugs are in.
Should I use some sort of cylindrical locking paste on the freeze plugs?
What do you think about the block?