i have a 87 non turbo supra 5 speed. i bought the car and it has a tapping sound. i talked to a tech and he said it was nth to worry about it was just one of my lifters tht went loose. he said i could drive the car and not have any probs so last night i did an oil change on my supra putting in 20w-50. and this afternoon i was driving it and the tapping became increasingly loud to the point it could hear it over anything else. my car cut off three times while driving it and wen i got it home it started to over hear. i let it sit for a few hours and took off the valve covers to fine spark plugs 3-6 soaked n oil and cracked. i looked at all the caps that hold the cams in place and all were still tight. im hoping its the head that just needs work. any info would help a lot.