Thoughts on removing AC system

Remove AC system?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 25 47.2%
  • No.

    Votes: 28 52.8%

  • Total voters


New Member
figgie said:

on the highway. having the a/c on with windows UP is actually more condusive to better gas mileage than riding with the windows down at speed. Think about what happens when the windows are down.... ;)

Mythbusters did a test on that - windows down is much better than a/c on.

WOT will not disable the a/c clutch:


Mar 30, 2005
Delavan, WI.
Auto air conditioners are driven by engine RPMS and the clutch is regulated by various sensors and switches, One of them being a high pressure switch. when the pressure gets to high it shuts the compressor down.....
Under load conditions when the pressure get to high constantly the compressor will shut off untill the pressure drops and it will turn back on. This would be what happens under race conditions.

I may have implied that there is a WOT switch that cuts off the compressor. You are correct there is no such thing on our cars

I got 22 MPG with the AC on on a trip to St louis so the "Mythbusters" can kiss my ***


New Member
Mar 30, 2005
mkIIIman089 said:
Hey guys, I've been debating back and forth for a while now on wether or not to remove my AC system. According to the weight chart SammyDaFish made its near 50lbs off of the front of the car. With the entire system removed. Now, last time I checked my AC didn't work, could have been caused by an unplugged sensor... but I'm not sure.

I wanted some more opinions on the matter, I don't plan to use it much if ever as it is a paracitic gas guzzling accessory and with gas prices like they are its hard to justify using it as apposed to my targa off. I live in NJ, so it does get pretty toasty in the summer sometimes (90s) with humidity, but only for a short while, and personally I love the warm weather.

So what do you guys think? Remove it, or no? Those who have I'd like your input on what you think about your decision.

Hmmm........ Sounds like an interesting project mkIIIman089

I removed my AC belt due to the fact I need to do the conversion to the new system. I did notice a little increase in power. As for removal of the system. All depends what your needs are and what you are looking for. If you are looking for a faster race track time and daily driver and do not need the comfort of A/C.... I say remove it. If you like to have the comfort of A/C and need it every now and then, you could simply remove the belt. It is alot easier to install the belt than to install the AC system again.

Hope this Helps,

Mike Nikolai


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
I see lots of posts here about removing the belt?

I can't see that a freewheeling compressor pully would take much in the way of power to turn? (not bagging anyone just curious if there really is a noticable difference)


Mar 30, 2005
St. Clair Shores, MI
Anytime I make a a substantial trip on the freeway (over 200 miles), I always monitor my mileage.

On the way down to KY 2 weekends ago with windows closed and vents on, but no AC, I got 24.XX MPG. On the way back using AC, I got 24.xx MPG.

I would have to believe that with windows down at 75 MPH the drag would equate to less mileage.

I wonder if the mythbuster tests would vary based on the vehicle and the overall power of the engine.

I would assume my 340 or so crank HP makes it much less parasitic on my engine than a car the has 150 crank HP.

Not arguing, just wondering.

By the way, Shaeff, I've fallen and can't get up and need my Depend's changed. Can you help?

:x: :icon_razz :biggrinki


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
Blue87T(Dan) said:
By the way, Shaeff, I've fallen and can't get up and need my Depend's changed. Can you help?

:x: :icon_razz :biggrinki

man, i feel like an ass, i'm sorry guys. :(



Mar 30, 2005
St. Clair Shores, MI
It's all fun and games here. Not like the guy on SF (who also posts here) that wants to shoot me!

This is such a good forum for MK3's. No assholes and we give the benefit of the doubt to the young folks that have no clue.


Habitual Supra Killer
Mar 30, 2005
Well in the 5 years of having a running MKIII, I only used the AC ONCE. Some of that time I had it was in Florida also (been there twice with it) & Texas too. The car is usually in Upstate New York though (less than an hour from shaeff or turbotoy, MO87NA, or sammydafish for that matter).
I just take the top off when it is hot...or whenever it is not cold or rainy I should say.
For me the top off is enough.
Now if I were to get dressed up in a suit for work in Florida during the summer, that would be a different story.

I just read a couple of months ago that if you don't ever use the AC, that could lead to problems. I forgot the details as to why not using it for so long is bad for it, but it was from a reliable source.

I will keep the AC on my car though. I may be one of the few that see it as Toyota intended it to be (a personal luxury sports car). I probably think of it the way many would think of a BMW 850, and treat it that way too.


New Member
figgie said:

mythbusters when it comes to SCIENTIFIC facts barely know thier head from their ass.

Ok, that's like the pot calling the kettle black - they took 2 identical cars, with the same amount of gas, on the same day on the same track - one with ac on and one with ac off and the windows down. The windows down car went laps farther than the a/c car.

What SUPERIOR scientific test did you run to come up with your infallible assertion that a/c on doesn't burn more gas?


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
And I remember in that episode prior to doing the test theoretically they said AC should go further in a lab type condition. But in the real world they disproved themselves when the windows went like 5 laps farther or something I believe.


Apr 4, 2005
i hate the mysthbusters. the idea of the show is alright, but they fail to prove ANYTHING they just guess, do stupid things and make ridiculous assumptions based on vague VAGUE "experiments" that usually have no consistency or conatstant... AGh it pisses me off.. half the things they "bust" are true and some of the things they say are plausible are ridiculous. nothing they do should be taken for fact, its ourely entertainment. (watchign two homos act like retards)


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Well, they are entertaining, haha. Some of the stuff they do is kind of off base and doesn't prove much if anything. But the AC episode I find hard to believe that its defunct, its not that complicated or difficult of an experiment.


if it doesnt work and you dont have a million in the bank to fix it, take the sucka out. it cleans up the bay and allows better flow to the rad. The only bitch about this is if u plan to sell the car some people might be discouraged about the AC being ripped out even if it didnt work.:icon_roll


Supramania Contributor
To really get a blind test on AC, they should have used two cars, and had AC on both of them.
Run one with the AC turned off.
One being run with it on.
Then switch cars, so any engine or transmission differences in wear or condition do not have an effect on the results. (If they did not put AC on the ACless car, and run it back to back, same temps, same exact run etc, then the test as performed was bogus data at best.)

For me, as one of the aged old farts seasoning while I wait to post some more, I'd rather buy a NA than run with out AC. (neither is likely to happen anytime soon.)