well i just got off of work and i was heading home, it was about 9:00-10:00pm, it was raining all day and it started to let up but i was not trying to waste gas because i was broke and i wanted to make it last. so i stopped at a light and there was no one on the road but 4 cars including mine. there was a riced out integra next to me and in front of him was i think a 300c and the one in front of me was that new saturn ion. i was not going to try to race any of them. then the light turned green and everyone just drove normal at first but as i just decided not too race the integra revs and takes off :evil2: so it took m less then a half of a second then i took off passed him like he was standing still then right when i passed him it turned into a free for all and everyone was racing everyone and so i passed the 300c easly also then i swiched lanes so the saturn was on my right but he was like 5 or 6 cars ahead by the time i passed the 300c and i was about to call it quits then i decided to see if i could catch him so i floored it once again and i was surprized that i cought him and passed him about 4 or 5 cars then i hit my emergencys then slowed down. i did not know what car it was(until today) so i wanted to talk to him and tell good race etc. but as i rolled the window down and looked at him with a smile (not like a cocking smile a friendly one haha) he takes off and i was like what the fuck :icon_mad: and i took off and i toyed with him i cought him and i waited until he looked over at me and then i said :naughty: "bye bye fucker" (and hopefully it was not too dark and hopfully he could read lips) :evil2: then stepped on it and got about 3 cars ahead of him then a stop sign and then i turned around and went home smiling :biglaugh: and laughing. :icon_razz