This is funny...Christian Rock


New Member
Feb 18, 2006
i'm bad, i'm nationwide
why does it seem to me that the athiests are supposed to be the enlightened ones, but seem the least tolerant to another persons point of view?

while there is nothing wrong with a healthy debate, some people on both sides tend to carry things a little too far.

i'm holding my opinions untill i decide what they are...for now the book has taught me just as much as some pointy headed dudes theories have...that ain't saying much for either side.

it's all taken on faith,no one was around when the world began, so the bible-thumpers faith is no less valid than the science geek's faith is.


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
lol, I'm not going to get into this arguement as I'd probably piss off some Christians and atheists...

but I will end it with a Bill and Tedd quote

"be excellent to eachother"


Jan 22, 2006
East Coast
Kai said:
GAH! Pray for me? How condescending and patronising can you possibly be? I dont need to be 'prayed for' and would take it as an insult should you do so.

It's like some overbearing superiority complex that christians have, if you're not one of them, you're not worthy of their attention, or are somehow to be pitied.

I was unfortunate enough to spend 7 years in a Church of England primary school being subjected to hypocrisy such as this and i HATE it.

When will god-botherers and bible thumpers take the hint that there is no invisible bearded guy sitting on a cloud? When will they take the hint that SCIENCE, LOGIC & REASON are the only way forward for humanity instead of some deluded belief system thats only caused problems throughout humanity's existence?

FYI - The universe was created not by some non-existent dude arm wrestling with his roommate juggs (FG reference there), neither did the aforementioned dude just go *poof!* and make it start. Go take a look at this and burn it into your minds:

Yes, its a theory, however, it works, its plausible and its infinitely less stupid than a 'god'.

*seethes with anger*

Yep you definitely live in Europe...

And my opinion on the subject at hand?
We live by faith, not by sight. - 2 Corinthians 5:7


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
There's nothing that can piss off more people than a religous debate. If you don't believe in God, you can't see how anyone else can either and if you do believe in God you can't see how someone else cant. I know their is a God and I have to live my life by what has been written so that in the next life, I will still be with my wife and kids. It may not happen that way, but that's the way I choose to look at it and it keeps me out of trouble, but I wouldn't ever try and tell someone else that they were ignorant for believing or not believing.


Matthew 6:33
Apr 5, 2005
Palm Bay, FL
I would love to discuss evolution with you kai. Please lets play..... Lets start with Mount St. Helens. In a matter of hours, the geological landscape and associated rock strata changed to show the exact layering your "scientist" stated would take millions and millions of years to happen in other regions. There are many, many creation scientist that have been degreed at the PhD level at secular universities. In molecular biology, most scientist agree the complexity of the basic components of life are too complex and well beyond the mathematical possibilities of "chance". Don’t confuse macro-evolution with micro-evolution. You have made science and human logic your god. You are not atheist, you are humanist.


Matthew 6:33
Apr 5, 2005
Palm Bay, FL
suprahero said:
There's nothing that can piss off more people than a religous debate. If you don't believe in God, you can't see how anyone else can either and if you do believe in God you can't see how someone else cant. I know their is a God and I have to live my life by what has been written so that in the next life, I will still be with my wife and kids. It may not happen that way, but that's the way I choose to look at it and it keeps me out of trouble, but I wouldn't ever try and tell someone else that they were ignorant for believing or not believing.

What about the great Commision Jay? I agree, you should never tell someone they are ignorant or look down on someone. However, as a lover of people, I should share and defend the Gospel of Christ. If they reject or ridicule me then so be it, but I have an obligtion to share the story of Grace of how God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.

But I will conceed that a MK3 forum is not the place for these discussions. This will be my last post on this, if kai wants to discuss evolution he can PM me.
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91T breezen'

Apr 4, 2005
csnow said:
I would love to discuss evolution with you kai. Please lets play..... Lets start with Mount St. Helens. In a matter of hours, the geological landscape and associated rock strata changed to show the exact layering your "scientist" stated would take millions and millions of years to happen in other regions. There are many, many creation scientist that have been degreed at the PhD level at secular universities. In molecular biology, most scientist agree the complexity of the basic components of life are too complex and well beyond the mathematical possibilities of "chance". Don’t confuse macro-evolution with micro-evolution. You have made science and human logic your god. You are not atheist, you are humanist.

Could'nt have stated this any better! Thankyou!
I have an associate at work, and a "brother in Christ", whom has seen Benny Hin in person, and believes as I do, he is evil, and makes a mockery of Christianity. Alot of non-Christians (agnostics) will use his antics, to further themselves from the truth, that lives inside each and every human on this earth. We were created in God's image, and he lives within' us. Those that acknowlege that truth, and follow him, are only guaranteeing what Christ's sacrifice, has promised us, eternal life! Those that don't, are just hoping that they're not wrong about it!
The beautiful thing about Christianity (not religion!) is that it's never to late to accept Christ, as long as you're still drawing breath on this earth!
Easy not to accept him though too. It relieves people of the responsibilty, of always trying to do the right thing.
Looking back through my life, long before I gave my life to Christ, I recall meeting alot of people, who seemed to be at peace with everything, and would always put others before themselves. Turns out, that most of those people were, or are, Christians.
As for is the biggest joke (LIE)! that has ever been propagated anywhere, anytime.
Some of you will remember the comedian Sam Kinnison. Well he died one day on a lonely highway in the Mojave desert. He used to be a "hell, fire, and brimstone" Evangelist minister, before he became a very profane comedian. He spoke out against "mainstream religion", and often made Christians the butt of his jokes. Well the day he died, his girlfriend was holding him, awaiting the arrival of the ambulance. She said, he seemed to be talking to someone during his last few seconds. He reportedly said, "wait, please wait, I'm sorry'. He then paused, and said, " I'm ready, Okay, okay", then he died. I believe he came back to Christ in his final seconds, and I will see him some day. I truly believe that. How can that hope, that I, and all my fellow Chritians have, ever be called a bad thing?
Here is a small challenge to all who will read this, and still laugh "it" (Christianity) off.
If we are wrong about what lies ahead for us, after our physical bodies die, and we do, just rot in the grave, then no harm, no foul, right? The skeptic's can just say, that we wasted our time on earth, not having fun, right (?)
But, if the non-believers are wrong (which they are!) God help them! For a fate, far worse than the human mind can even comprehend, awaits them.
Think about it. I have a shirt that reads...'Take the deal'...on the back, it continues, ETERNAL LIFE...this is the prize God offers us, because of what Christ has done.
Philippians 3:14


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
Those that refuse to believe in Evolution are cretins with a low IQ, incapable of seeing past their own two feet.

Theres no point in trying to debate with a religious nut, simply because they will stick to their guns and refuse to accept anything else other than what their stupid faith 'teaches' them (ho ho ho).

I'm an atheist, yes, but also a scientist that deals with logic and reason. If you can show me something better than the big bang that doesnt rely on some invisible, omnipotent being that theres never been any proof of their existence - then i'll consider it. Until that time, you need to realise that you are WRONG and clinically insane.

What scientologists sound like to the masses, christians and all other religions sound like to me. People believing in 'souls' and invisible men who watch over them. What kinda crack are you people smoking?

Evolution is a joke/lie? Oh dear - you poor deluded fool - you dont need a lobotomy, you've got the horrible disease thats afflicting millions across your country - religion.

*sighs, shakes head in disapproval*

As for when i die - nothing more happens to me other than i either decompose, or i turn to a pile of ashes. Nothing more, nothing less. I have no soul, i won't go to 'heaven' or 'hell', i'm simply DEAD. I live on in the memories of others, and its my actions that define my lifetime. I am a free person, with a will of my own. I dont believe in fate or divine intervention as its all a load of horseshit that unfortunately, some of you have had forced down your throats to the point of believing in it.

Religion has done NOTHING for humanity other than to hold it back. Spanish Inquisition, the Crusades - i mean for f*cks sake, christianity was the cause of one of the greatest renaissance scientists being imprisoned for believing (and rightly so) that the earth was NOT the centre of the universe. Similar things have been done to people that said the earth was round.

I agree that this forum isn't the place for discussion about this - as it can get out of hand very quickly I'm not saying anything more on this subject - and if anyone wants to respond to what i've written, they can do so via PM.

In the meantime, i suggest you look at these:




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just here
Aug 1, 2005
i meet some people in a cult at a concert in hunstsville. they tried to get me to move to some farm in nebraska. they were passing out flyers and crap. i dont remember what they told me tho.


Matthew 6:33
Apr 5, 2005
Palm Bay, FL
Take a read on this kai, I borrowed this from a creative science website to save me a lot of typing. Since you are a scientist, I eagerly await your response. So please apply your theory to your flow chart and see where you end up.

The Dynamic Genome:

The term "evolution" is an oxymoron. The reality of genetic adaptability, doesn't equate with Darwin's fantasy. Every prototype genome possesses inherent genetic adaptability that assures a kaleidoscope of descendant diversity. Some public minds mistakenly confuse the reality of nature's genetic dynamism with evolutionism's make-believe.

Human DNA carries 3+ billion base pairs. Two human parents possess the capacity to produce 70 trillion variations in their children. Darwin's Galapagos finches produced offspring endowed with different shaped beaks---but 21st century Galapagos finches still fly as finches! Fruit flies, subjected to laboratory induced mutations, may add or subtract wings and legs but continue producing fruit flies, ad infinitum---never butterflies nor dragonflies! Extrapolation doesn't mend the "flaws" and "holes" of Darwin's "rag of an hypothesis."

Big Bang!:

The origin of matter by an explosion in empty nothingness an alleged fifteen billion years ago baffles. Something from nothing? Billions of cosmic bodies carving predictable orbits originating in an explosion? Since when does a horrendous explosion create order---floating in space? Darwin avoided attempting to explain the origin of inorganic matter or the process of the first appearance of organic life from non-life.

Spontaneous Generation:

Nineteenth century, primitive wisdom mistakenly viewed single-celled, organic life forms as "simple." A blob of protoplasm! In reality, a living cell is vastly more complex than the most sophisticated man-designed mechanism. No human laboratory has duplicated what random chance allegedly accomplished in some still unidentified, "prebiotic soup." No evidence exists that original life defied impossible odds to create itself by spontaneous generation. NEVER!!!

Random Chance Odds:

The odds of random chance generating an ecologically unique environment essential to produce and sustain organic life on Planet Earth is mathematically less likely than 6-billion blindfolded humans simultaneously solving a Rubik cube puzzle---three times in a row.

Amino-Acid Building Blocks are Not Ambidextrous:

A cell's proteins require "left-handed," amino-acid building blocks. DNA & RNA use only "right-handed" building blocks. Natural forms come in a 50-50 mixture. Evolutionism's random chance explains neither the cause nor the discriminating process that mandates selection of left-handed v. right-handed building blocks.


The specific kind of life reproduced by each genome is shaped by the information packed into the genes of each microscopic cell. Evolutionism does not account for the original source of that information vested in the dynamic genome of evolutionism's first ever cell from its beginning..

Intelligent Design:

Homo sapiens have coexisted with now extinct, ape-like species but fossil evidence alone has yet to prove linkage to a "common ancestor." No scholar suggests the Mount Rushmore presidential profiles were carved by nature's winds and rains. Regardless, neo-Darwinism insists the living, human models for that granite sculpture evolved coincidentally from an ancestor molecule---without intelligent design or designer. Evolutionism's dogma, allegedly the product of human intelligence, illogically rejects intelligent cause and process in the origin of all life.


Mutations, genetic mistakes, the alleged engines driving evolutionism, are rarely beneficial. Mutations usually degrade the genome and trigger information loss. These genetic defects do not introduce new information to the gene code. Nor do genetic defects represent an incremental step in a mythical leap to some radical new organism. Variety potential, inherent within the dynamic genome assures genetic adaptability but not some quantum leap to some radically new prototype life. Neo-Darwinism ignores this scientific reality and relies on billions of mutations, combined with natural selection, as the source of every kind of life on earth after that first life cell.

Natural Selection:

Counting on natural selection to combine with mutations to produce the engine of evolutionary change, creates a major league dilemma: the exact opposite results. Thanks to natural selection, mutations tend to be weeded out rather than serve as a conduit for the development of an entirely new life-systems!!!

Inflated Time:

Without mega-chunks of time, evolutionism bites the dust as just another fictional whim. Radiometric dating's anomalous results raise red flags. Washington State's Mount St. Helens blew its top in 1980. Radiometric dating of the event produced conflicted results ranging from 340,000 years before the present to as long ago as 2,800,000 years BP. Assertions as to the age of the earth deserve caveats.

Without those mega-chunks of time, mega-evolution qualifies as so much wishful thinking. But with those chunks of time, where are the billions and billions of people that by now would be walking on each other's toes? Two thousand years ago, an estimated 100 million Homo sapiens lived on Planet Earth. Thanks to geometric progression, the numbers have spiked radically with an estimated 6 billion of the human family on hand who welcomed the 21st century! If the earth is even 100,000 years old, where are all the people that would be bursting the seams of the planet if the past can be measured by the present?

Abrupt Appearance:

Contrary to the gradual, incremental "progress toward perfection" conjectured by Darwin's mega-evolution, thousands of fully formed, intelligently designed and irreducibly complex life forms appeared abruptly, simultaneously and world-wide, without persuasive fossil evidence of prior ancestry. This Cambrian Explosion defies the anchor premise of Darwinian conjecture.


Following this across-the-board sudden appearance of thousands of distinctly different kinds of life, descendants of these unique life forms continue to inhabit planet earth, virtually unchanged. Undeterred by mega chunks of deep time conjectured by evolutionism, bacteria continue to generate bacteria, fish produce fish, and apes parent apes. Coelacanths still swim in marine waters and Wollemi pines still grow on land.

Missing Transitionals:

Evolutionism requires billions of incremental steps to bridge the gaping genetic chasms between organic prototypes: single cell-to-fish-to- amphibian-to-reptile-to-bird and mammal and eventually, to-man. After billions of fossil discoveries, where is the evidence of Darwin's "…innumerable transitional forms…"? Certainly not in today's living natural world. As to the miniscule number of fossil forms categorized as "transitional," they represent just another extinct species. So-called "intermediates" carry the label because an evolutionist has declared it, not because of irrefutable proof of genetic linkage as between old bones. Neither homology nor morphology equates genealogy.

Irreducible Complexity:

A partially evolved body part would render any alleged "transitional" severely handicapped. A critter saddled with an appendage half-leg and half-wing couldn't fly or walk efficiently. An incrementally evolving eye would hardly contribute to fitness or survival. Dr. Michael Behe illustrated the problem by referencing a simple mousetrap with a single missing part---no mouse need fear, the trap couldn't function!


The second law of thermodynamics doesn't track with Darwin's speculative "progress toward perfection." Given 4.55 billion years, the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics impacts the precise opposite of what evolution requires. Entropy's deterioration and decline is the inevitable consequence in nature. Homo sapiens age, grow weak and die; trees lose their leaves and die; cars rust; buildings crumble; mountains erode.


Many extinct species disappeared abruptly, victims of violent, hydraulic cataclysm, rather than from the encroachment of newly-evolving descendants eliminating "inferior" ancestors as per Darwin's speculations. Numerous surviving species, still living today, escaped extinction, showing little modification from their fossil ancestors.

World View:

Evolution is less than "science;" it's a secular religion. An atheist and devoted disciple of Darwinian faith, describes evolution as "…a full fledged alternative to Christianity…Evolution is a religion. This was true of evolution in the beginning, and it is true of evolution today." (Michael Ruse, "Saving Darwin from the Darwinians," National Post, May 13, 2000, p. B-3.)

Bottom Line:

Religion is built on faith in the unseen. Unlike evolutionism's blind faith in random chance, faith in the Master Designer is based on rational reason. Life comes only from life. The God who placed the sun, moon, stars and planets in cosmic orbit is the Author of all life on Planet Earth. "By the Word of the Lord were the heavens made; their starry host by the breath of His mouth…He spoke, and it came to be. He commanded, and it stood firm." (Psalms 33: 6, 9.)
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SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
That was a funny video about a televangelist. How did it get to this point? Anybody turning down prayers can direct them all to me. I'll soak'em up like a sponge.
Religious debates are never civil because the non believers are so angry and disrespectful of differing views and opinions, therefore I vote this thread getsLOCKED
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Matthew 6:33
Apr 5, 2005
Palm Bay, FL
Kai said:
Wheres the URL for independant verification?

Do you also believe the horseshit posted here : ?

Why yes, I do agree with the short read I just did on the link you posted.

I will continue to pray for you and I hold no hostility toward you. I wish you well kai. I enjoy rational debates and reframe from hate speach and insults. If you would like to present a rebutal to either the statements I posted or to the article that you linked, please do so.


The mods can lock the thread......


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
Kai: the "church" as 99% of people see it is the catholic church. The catholic church is the most twisted version of the church ever to take hold. Other denominations are the same way, in teaching things that are NOT in the bible.

The true church doesn't have the hatred of evolution or talk about the timeline of the world for the simple reason that trying to use a timeline in the bible is useless.

Like I said, the main principle is to love one another. But intolerant bastards have so twisted the church into a breeding ground for hatred of anyone that isn't christian.

"A new commandment I give unto You. That Ye love one another; as I have loved You, that ye also love one another. By this shall all (men) know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another" John 13:34-35