This is funny...Christian Rock


That Limey Bastard
Staff member

I hate religious 'rock' or 'metal' simply because its an effective form of brainwashing youths into beliving in something thats totally non-existant - it's indoctrination pure and simple. Someone ought to set off the sprinkler system in one of these venues, and then drop a live electric cable - maybe that'll wake these pathetic people up and make them stop believing in some 'god' character...

Grr. I hate religion, evangelical christians most of all...



just here
Aug 1, 2005
thats a messed up cult. am going to start going to christian rock concerts and start kicking everyones ass there. and be like am sorry i was just feeling god. dude next door is in a christian rock band lol. but he is cool tho. i went to one just to check it out. it was mostly a bunch of dorks. but you have to remember they have alot of money. so selling cds in gods name makes you money. and some of these bands try to be all hardcore and shit it really makes me sick. the fact the have to lable themselfs christian rock. i mean isnt that selling out right there?

aye mate

Hiatus over.
Mar 30, 2005
Speaking as a Christian myself I'm going to say that the posted video clip is a joke. First, the song is not by a Christian band, second, the "church" featured in the video is more of a TV show than a church, I liken it to the Jerry Springer show, which does nothing more than capitalize on shock value.

I don't see what is wrong with Christian rock though. I guess there are some "Christian bands" that use the market to make money (but isn't that the only reason for most mainstream bands to make records?) but, alot of bands are truly making the music to Glorify God. If you ask me, making music to Glorify God is better than making to build up ego, substance abuse, sexual promiscuity, violence, hate, anarchy, racism, and politics.

EDIT- I can see what this thread might lead to so if anyone has a question not pertaining to the video posted, send me a PM, start another thread, or dig up the religion thread in the political section.Thanks.


Matthew 6:33
Apr 5, 2005
Palm Bay, FL
aye mate +1

Benny Hinn is a charlatan and has damaged the Christian church. He is not a follower of Christ and should not be associated with Christians.

Kai, not sure why you hate Christians or the root cause of your deep seeded anger, but I will pray for you.

A poet therefore penned:

"On earth are atheists many,

In hell there is not any."


Offical SM Expert: Turbochargers
SM Expert
Mar 31, 2005
Indy 500
Yeah the kooks you see in that video give the rest of us followers of Christ a bad name.

That guy needs a good kick in the nutz for his Circus show.

Video is funny none the less.

Kai, if people like the ones featured in the movie are all the Christians you have ever been exposed to, I completely understand your hate.


Oct 2, 2006
kettering ohio
Kai said:

I hate religious 'rock' or 'metal' simply because its an effective form of brainwashing youths into beliving in something thats totally non-existant - it's indoctrination pure and simple. Someone ought to set off the sprinkler system in one of these venues, and then drop a live electric cable - maybe that'll wake these pathetic people up and make them stop believing in some 'god' character...

Grr. I hate religion, evangelical christians most of all...


I think i agree.


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
GAH! Pray for me? How condescending and patronising can you possibly be? I dont need to be 'prayed for' and would take it as an insult should you do so.

It's like some overbearing superiority complex that christians have, if you're not one of them, you're not worthy of their attention, or are somehow to be pitied.

I was unfortunate enough to spend 7 years in a Church of England primary school being subjected to hypocrisy such as this and i HATE it.

When will god-botherers and bible thumpers take the hint that there is no invisible bearded guy sitting on a cloud? When will they take the hint that SCIENCE, LOGIC & REASON are the only way forward for humanity instead of some deluded belief system thats only caused problems throughout humanity's existence?

FYI - The universe was created not by some non-existent dude arm wrestling with his roommate juggs (FG reference there), neither did the aforementioned dude just go *poof!* and make it start. Go take a look at this and burn it into your minds:

Yes, its a theory, however, it works, its plausible and its infinitely less stupid than a 'god'.

*seethes with anger*


Offical SM Expert: Turbochargers
SM Expert
Mar 31, 2005
Indy 500
Kai, you only add venom to a already poisoned cup.

Please don't turn this funny movie thread into a "I hate Christians and I fucking know every thing about the Universe and every thing in it" thread.


The Backseat Flyer
Sep 17, 2005
Kai said:
Yes, its a theory, however, it works, its plausible and its infinitely less stupid than a 'god'.

*seethes with anger*

Actually, "theory" in that context is "an organized body of facts or explanations"


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
We have a cult in town. A few people I work with are followers. It follows the "G12" movement, and rakes in quite a bit of money. While talking about taxes, one guy I work with told me that he gave $8,000 to the church last year.
These guys go to church on Sunday, of course, but they also go to a bible study called "Cell", which is their "Cell group", a group of 12 people with a leader.
What is crazy is that these people know that their church is different, but they are oblivious to how bad it is for them. One guy said "You should check out my Church. It will either make you want to stay in Yuma, or run away screaming." They take things that normal people would say "Hrmmm.. that is wrong" and make them out to be great things - they idolize their pastor like he is their hero.
Check out if you want to read up on some of the "great" things that go on there. It will turn your head. It has everything from spiritual abuse to telling you when and who you should or should not date or marry - I'm telling you that there are some really fucked up things going on across town.


Supramania Contributor
Feb 11, 2006
Kai, I think you are the one showing a lack of respect here. As a Christain I can tell you this, when I say I will pray for you it is not that I feel sorry for you but that I want you to have the best God has to offer. If that offends you then that is sad, because I pray for others out of love and respect, not out of pity or self righteousness. I do not think I am better that anyone else.( "He that is without sin among you,let him first cast a stone.") I'm sorry that you had a bad experience, but you cannot and should not judge an entire group of people by the actions of a few.