Speaking as a Christian myself I'm going to say that the posted video clip is a joke. First, the song is not by a Christian band, second, the "church" featured in the video is more of a TV show than a church, I liken it to the Jerry Springer show, which does nothing more than capitalize on shock value.
I don't see what is wrong with Christian rock though. I guess there are some "Christian bands" that use the market to make money (but isn't that the only reason for most mainstream bands to make records?) but, alot of bands are truly making the music to Glorify God. If you ask me, making music to Glorify God is better than making to build up ego, substance abuse, sexual promiscuity, violence, hate, anarchy, racism, and politics.
EDIT- I can see what this thread might lead to so if anyone has a question not pertaining to the video posted, send me a PM, start another thread, or dig up the religion thread in the political section.Thanks.