thinking off moding headlights? if so halo or pod?

Orion ZyGarian

Jeff Lange wannabe
Apr 2, 2005
Sarasota, FLorida
suprabad;989714 said:
Leave the pop-ups and get a good HID set-up, there was group buy or something some time ago, I'm sure one of the official vendors can hook you up.

Like poodles said, the lights will be sitting to low to be effective, not to mention that pop-up lights are pure Supra and the idea of putting something else in destroys the "period charm" of the car.

Also, when the lights are retracted, the front end looks better than any conversions where the lights are always visable that I've seen.

Everything he said. Also:
SupraMaster;990496 said:
Ass. :p j/k You should share the wealth anyway. Input is better than going it alone.

He should anyways because we are too poor and most of us with creativity never actually get around to doing anything about it..

SupraMaster;990496 said:
Seeing as how the headlight cover of the MkIII slightly emulates the NSX, I figured I'd give it a try.

I cant believe you've done this. Its the other way around :nono::icon_razz