Roy, If you're serious about SF, don't concentrate on running so much. What you need to do is a lot of push ups, road marching, sit ups road marching & road marching. Train on the events you will do the most of. 12 miles a pop with a 40-60lb rucksack at least twice a week will be a decent start, and move up to 18 miles. That is no exageration.
SFAS = Special Forces Accessment And Selection, School For Advanced Suffering, Sore Feet And Solders, Stupid Fuggin Army Shit....
I know some of the events that they use to evalute you, and they try to determine two things. One, how far will you push yourself physically, and two, how well do you work with others in a team. Of course, they try to determine if you have the ability to make things happen with minimal time & equipment, but they are more interested in what kind of mental fortitude you have.
SFAS = Special Forces Accessment And Selection, School For Advanced Suffering, Sore Feet And Solders, Stupid Fuggin Army Shit....
I know some of the events that they use to evalute you, and they try to determine two things. One, how far will you push yourself physically, and two, how well do you work with others in a team. Of course, they try to determine if you have the ability to make things happen with minimal time & equipment, but they are more interested in what kind of mental fortitude you have.