These cams look any good to anyone?


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
I don't look at it as charity! I'm just happy as hell tonight to see you doing something with your car. Your posts have been pretty dreary lately, and I'm hoping you stay around here a long time. You've spent a shitload of money on Lucy, and I don't want to see you give up. I see that you have tried pretty hard, and still don't have any decent cams, and I just don't want you to have to spend money a 4th time to get it right.

Edit: I keep calling you my 3E5 Brother with my white car sig, but here's an update. My 3E5 is going in the paint shop next week to have the engine bay sprayed. Then I can buy a few goodies, and drop the motor in.


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
again this thread was meant to do two things: 1) publicly document what arrived for me today 2) give the sender a chance to see that not many people would be pleased if they got something like that sent to them.

Also, I want to be clear its not like I paid a great deal for these, but the simple fact that I DID for them and someone had the nerve to ship them like that.

Mods feel free to lock this thread or move it to off topic if you like. I think its served its purpose.


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
When I clicked on this thread, I was expecting the usual minor journal scoring, but that is way beyond acceptable. Those belong in the 'please take this free shit away' pile.

I'm pretty certain I could dig up a set of cams in decent shape as well, let me know if you run into problems finding a set, I'll have a closer look.