Off topic so I'll get them all at once:
dcrusupra: Ha. Anyone who says a D owner is "lucky" because he doesn't have to wax is clueless. It's a huge job keeping it clean. Just touching it makes a mess and for some reason everyone is compelled to do so. Grrrr..
If you think a Supra can eat an owner alive if he doesn't understand how it works the D is a real killer. It's not difficult, just different. It requires good skills in all areas and specialized knowledge. I don't call it the Devil Car for nothing. Not to mention the weirdest bunch of owners you'll ever meet. I avoid them whenever possible. Since my car has been in skilled hands (lol) and has all the bugs worked out you could do much worse. It's near pristine too. 20K miles total.
Kai: Lol, those are the nicest things I've ever heard a Brit say about the car. You must be a young fella. The cars can be decently fast when modified and it's one of the best handling I have. After all there's a Lotus chassis underneath that stainless.
Johnathan: It's uncool to boast about one's toys so I keep a low profile. The D is one of several. Between taxes, registration, and insurance they're killing me. It's no big deal. In fact there are members here who've driven it. Funny you'd want to hear about a car though. Usually people are more impressed with the, well, other thing I like to go fast in. Pix? There should be some already on here. Besides, if you've seen one D you've seen them all. Ok, here's a two-fer