Cliffs: Guy pulled out and hit the side of my car. Wheel, fender, door, piece in front of rear wheel got jacked up. It was his fault and I'm going to get the money to fix my shit.
Yup, that's right. And I just got it finished up just this past sunday. So, here's what happened...I was coming off a circle on base here and I used my turn signal and stayed in the right lane since there were 2 lanes. The turn wasn't sharp enough, so it didn't cancel the signal. Well, this guy was a stop sign and he thought I was turn into the parking lot. So, he just pulled right on out and hit the side of my car. I was doing about 25. Basically he t-boned me at a slow speed. He hit the passenger side of my car. My front wheel got all scratched up, fender and door are jacked to hell and the rear piece that bolts on in front of the rear wheel dented. Fortunately, my window was down and it didn't shatter since he hit the door. It seemed like he gunned it from the stop sign.
So, the Security Police (base cops) came and did the report. He was at fault obviously since he didn't yield to traffic (me). So, I called the insurance company and they are waiting for him to report the accident. He has the same insurance as me (USAA) since he is retired military and I'm active duty. So, hopefully they will give me money for new stuff and I'll just take the money and buy used stuff from you guys and fix that and get the whole car painted (wanna paint my car Buckshot? :naughty: ).
Look for a WTB: fender and door soon.
Yup, that's right. And I just got it finished up just this past sunday. So, here's what happened...I was coming off a circle on base here and I used my turn signal and stayed in the right lane since there were 2 lanes. The turn wasn't sharp enough, so it didn't cancel the signal. Well, this guy was a stop sign and he thought I was turn into the parking lot. So, he just pulled right on out and hit the side of my car. I was doing about 25. Basically he t-boned me at a slow speed. He hit the passenger side of my car. My front wheel got all scratched up, fender and door are jacked to hell and the rear piece that bolts on in front of the rear wheel dented. Fortunately, my window was down and it didn't shatter since he hit the door. It seemed like he gunned it from the stop sign.
So, the Security Police (base cops) came and did the report. He was at fault obviously since he didn't yield to traffic (me). So, I called the insurance company and they are waiting for him to report the accident. He has the same insurance as me (USAA) since he is retired military and I'm active duty. So, hopefully they will give me money for new stuff and I'll just take the money and buy used stuff from you guys and fix that and get the whole car painted (wanna paint my car Buckshot? :naughty: ).
Look for a WTB: fender and door soon.

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