Well a month ago I checked my codes and it said that my 02 sensor was faulty. Couldn't do much cuz I didn't have the money. So today i was driveing the supra and the car feels gutless. and it sputters when i hit 3000rpm and feels like theres no gas comeing in. Plus the car smeels like crap so bad like it smelt burnt. I am guess the air to fuel mixture isn't right due to the o2 being crap. I think the cars o2 was changed 80,000 miles ago so the previous owner told me. Haha he lives next to me. Anyway so is that right is it just a faulty o2? Also my tps is bad but I am getting that taken care of =D
89 Supra turbo 5spd hks dp and 2.75in exhuast all the way KandN fipk Intake.
-Steve Z
89 Supra turbo 5spd hks dp and 2.75in exhuast all the way KandN fipk Intake.
-Steve Z