The Supra Agent


Supra Agent
Dec 26, 2005
I always heard it said... when you drive a supra, everything else is just transportation.

I really missed my most valued tool in my arsenal.

Today was no joke neither.

It was 8a.
I had just posted to my suprabuddy when I got the phonecall...
"Listen, We got a tip on a fugitive. You better suit up completely. This ones wanted for capitol murder. I cant find anyone to help get him. I need you to go there NOW"

"whose there now?"
"cat", and "fred" I'll be there shortly.

He later told me the fugitive had put a gun into a mans mouth and pulled the trigger. even better, he is a gangbanger and sworn never to be taken alive.

I jump into my minivan. decided I should suit up on the way there. I keep tryin to push the v6 van, but it aint no SUPRA.

Morning traffic was heavy, I had to be extra careful not to hurt an innocent.
I finally get off the exit from the freeway, and turn in to a hotel, (I used to work there). I suited up. The workers know me, but they havent seen me in months! There looking out the windows, some came outside.

"damn dude! whatcha needin all da stuff for bro?"
level 4 vest- bullet protection
trauma plate- rifle or knife
HUGE can of mace- non-lethal munitions
18" sawed off shotgun- for shootin someone in the ___!
Handcuffs, Leg irons, chains.- apprehension of fugitive
Badge/Shield- (hopefully extra protection- but mostly used by criminals for target practice)
Extra Large Coffee Cup- (you get the pic?)

Well, I left the hotel, and took a back road to the apartment complex he described. As I was getting close, I got a call from "fred"

Hey man. the dood jus lef the apartments. he saw me. I know he know my face. he's headed towards you!

OK. I pull in to the next driveway, turn around, and BAM! there he was!

Well he's never seen me before, so I had the advantage. I pull out a couple cars behind, and begin to trail him. 2 blocks later he pulls into a gas station. I go in too, but I got on the cellphone -tried to appear lost as i could.

"fred! where the hell are you? I am ready to corner him."
"im comin"
the guy pumped his $5 into the tank
TOO LATE! the car pulls off. I wait for a few cars then go.
He went north, then east on the interstate, off at the next exit, then north again. After three lights, he made a turn east.
"Guys where are ya??? he's turnin- im gonna loose him!!!"

Fred is lost, Cat is being pulled over for speeding- H.S. DUDE!

I turn and follow. passed a few cars to catch up. they never looked back.

after 4 or 5 lights, they turned south near a gas station. I alert my crew, but no-one has a clue where I am.
I waited again and then followed. there was NO car in site.
(the supe would kept up for sure!) I lost him. (im lost too!)

OOH I see the interstate- maybe theres a secret entrance?

So I kept going, and sure enough, persistance paid off.
At a run-down house that looked like a crack house, in the driveway, there was the car!
soonafter, a caprice lowrider pulls up, then an escalade!

I get on the phone- where the hell are ya guys?????? (both are LOST!)
I called my manager, he never left his house! gave me a BS excuse why.
Now I put my manager on notice-
I have no pictures, no warrant, no backup. WTF? Get over here stat!
"just call the police, they'll get him"

Naturally, the first thing the dispatch asked is- "did you see the fugitive?"
I told them the truth- I was tipped by a security guard onsite

The first unit arrives- he asked politely- no guns-ok?
before i even said "sure"- fred says "what do you mean no guns, are ya crazy, blah blah blah."

The dude is on speakerphone, my manager is on the other speakerphone
and EVERYBODY heard him.
"shut the hell up fred!" (blah blah) " fred, I said shut your mouth right now!

I looked at the officers- jokingly I said
"sometimes it takes three agents to make one good head"

Embarrased- I held my position. Then the escalade pulled out.- there were two units waiting for them around the bend. The vehicle was searched then released. Then the original car i was chasing pulled out. I seen the same colored shirts in the car. Fred shows up, but said- "thats the same shirt, but a different guy"
That car was pulled over too. The driver was arrested for NO DL, NO INS, NO REGISTRATION. Then the vehicle was towed.


Well, we barge into the house (with k9's), only to find nothing.
i looked in the attic- nothing.
then I noticed the interstate was behind the fenceline.
UHHH! you idiot!!!!

I betcha any amount of money the dude jumped the fence, took a walk till one of his buddies picked him up on the interstate.


MAF- I gave everyone the third degree. I even said- "hey if im gonna chase him, search the house, deal with everything- what do I need you for???"

I left the scene with vengance and shame.

I had about six warrants of my own, so I went off to prove my worth.
I got on the phone, and called each fugitive. I told them...
"hey, if you turn yourself in, and your booked by the time i get there, I'll bond you out again"

can you believe that all six showed? two had taken care of everything, and were let go.
One of the officers aked..."how come your the only one turning in fugitives?"
makes me wonder how much work is being put-off by the other agents?

I called the owner of the company. told him my whole story.
He asked if I wanted to be manager.
I kindly declined. I dont want to be in charge of these fools.
I'd rather run my office personnel and continue what I do. Everyone in my office works- none are lazy.

The boss thanked me and promised to rectify the situation.
I hope I dont get squashed by the agency politics.

All in all, Im glad im the SUPRA AGENT.
If I can't work for this company anymore, I'll definitely start my own!

goodnite to all. the streets are a little safer tonight.
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Supra Agent
Dec 26, 2005
in the last episode.....
estrellainc said:
All in all, Im glad im the SUPRA AGENT.
If I can't work for this company anymore, I'll definitely start my own!

goodnite to all. the streets are a little safer tonight.

You'd swear someone is messing with me. This one made me think twice about how glad i really am to be a bail enforcement agent.

I went to Gulfport to look for a parts car. I had a friend with me who was also looking for parts of his own.

just as i decided it was time to go home, the voicemail chimed in a new message.

it was an urgent message from an indemnitor. He got a call from the hospital. They said his employee was ready to discharge from the emergency room.


here's the rundown: This person bonded out one of his employees, and then the SOB ran off with a bunch of equipment. I had been chasing this fugitive for 2 months now so I now it was now or never.

To save gas and time I called a fellow agent that was in the area to go pick him up. The dude was cool with that, but needed a pic, and definitely the warrant.

So off we went to find a fax machine before the fugitive vanished again.
after a search for fax services on the PPC we headed out.

The ladies at the counter were so helpful. they tried to fax the info, but the fax at the other end was not ready. I knew then that a trip north was inevitable.

So I asked my friend if he could come along. He thought i would never ask.
(little) john is 6'6" and weighs 280pds.
Big as he is, I don't want him getting hurt.

Off we go and i don't know how to get there. +1 for the big dude, he knew the way.

As we get to the hospital, they never heard of him. Had no record of him. Plus the hospital security was getting hostile.

Time to use the noggin.
I called back and found out the number for the fugitives son. Turns out he hasn't seen his father in over ten years. It was his son that called the bossman and let him know about the hospital. He lived in Utah and couldn't come to get him.

After some more talk I figured out the fugitive was in rehab for drug abuse. He had nearly killed himself and was trying to leave AMA. I got the number to call and thanked him, goodbye.

knowing i would get no help from the hospital if i was a bounty hunter, i put away all my gear. I then left for the rehab center posing as a fellow employee.

Well, the hospital should be ashamed. I report that i got full cooperation this time around.
I wished i could take a pic of the look of surprise when the fugitive saw me.
The man was yellow-looking from alcohol poisoning. He could barely walk. I carried his belongings and escorted him to the van. He was cuffed and shackled while in his seat.

THEN he asked... please get my teeth. They were at his tent.

OMFG. (this dudes living in a tent?)

I normally don't go anywhere except str8 to booking, but i HAD to see where he was hiding all this time.

We went east on a highway, and then turned off into the grass in between trees. we followed the clearing half a mile into the wilderness. there was an abandoned house.

The fugitives car was parked there. He changed cars too.

I first tried to go into the car for his glasses and keys. no luck.

Then I asked where the tent was. He pointed into the trees.

I walked into the woods looking for the tent. the brush was thick with thorns. it sliced my pants and my shirt. there was no tent in sight.

back at the van my friend was talked into letting the fugitive lead him on a search of his own.
Sure enough, the fugitive fell down when the shackles were snagged by the rough terrain.

I heard them in the distance and said keep yelling so i can find you.

after i caught up, the tent was in the distance. I went in first to make sure the area was clear. no one was in there, but it had about 8 different large knives, a machete, and the worst smell that only compares to diarrhea worthy to be called Montezuma's revenge.

There were so many beer cans in the tent, on the ground it made me think of Smokey and the bandit. actually it made the many frat parties I've gone to look sober.

I moved the knives clear of reach, and began to look for teeth. everything inside was wet. the many blankets on the floor were ready to mold. I even saw a pickle jar full of urine.

I found a plastic cup filled with milky water. in this putrid water were his teeth. i handed him the cup, and he put the teeth right in his mouth.

:barf: first my friend puked, then that made me gag.
I called out... everyone its time to leave. NOW.

On the way out i noticed that he was growing his own food. this man was truly hiding.

The trip back took over an hour. I was done being nice. I called the indemnitor to inform him I had custody. I questioned him as did his boss why he ran.
The man overheard a conversation and thought that he was gonna get sued. He got scared and ran. he swore he didn't steal any tools. His plea was truly honest.

even though I had everything i needed to add felony charges against him. I also had the responsibility to make sound judgement.

I brought him to the station. I informed the officers he was just released from the hospital. There i grabbed an office chair and sat him in it. rolled him into booking. He was subsequently served a contempt warrant and booked with no further charges.

I was more than happy to come home. I could'nt even look at a beer.
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Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
suprahero said:
Please remove the word imma from your vocabulary.....................:biglaugh:

Imma....Imma.........Imma, I don't know what Imma do.............but Imma gotta back Los up on this one. Don't want him hunting me, he's too close. But I know........he'll never catch me


Supra Agent
Dec 26, 2005
ForcedTorque said:
Imma....Imma.........Imma, I don't know what Imma do.............but Imma gotta back Los up on this one. Don't want him hunting me, he's too close. But I know........he'll never catch me


you (use ta) drive faster than me
you (use ta) can read faster than me
at this rate, all Imma have to do is wait.

oh hell, yuuma safe for now.

...imma send the CAT after ya!
MEOW! :rofl:
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Supra Agent
Dec 26, 2005
It was friday morning, the frost was covering the grass, and all the windows on the supra. i had a few boxes arrive in the mail.

oooooh yummy!
In the box were my premium parts from mdc motorsports.

It was starting to feel alot like christmas. I couldn't wait to pre-fit the new parts, but the office phone kept ringing.
oh hell, i'll let the secretary field my calls for a while.

I nearly got my fingertips dirty when I got called back inside. It was my manager, now I had to stop. He told me i had to go meet the recovery team. I tried with every fiber to refuse, im so close to running supra one more time.

"This one is important", said the voice on the phone, "dont giving me a hard time."

Well, tell me who were hunting...

"I cant say right now, because it seems we have a mole in the company. The location is top secret. Dont even ask anyone in home office, I don't want anyone else to know anything unless I contact them."

Don't you hate it when the manager says "please?".

I said, "whoever this is we are'nt coming back home till he's caught, allright."
"OK- fine" he replied.

I put the toys away and began preparing to leave.

My wife is giving me static, its bad enough I have to leave in a moments notice. I am able to calm her down, but it doesn't change the fact that its hard on a spouse when all they can do is wait for my call. "I love you very much hunny-bunny", I told her, "I'll be back home soon."

We fire up our van and head to the local gas station. I see the SUV's, but no other agents. Im dying to find out which agents can be trusted. I decide to go ahead and load the paddy wagon down with our vests, and shotguns. The agents are inside the store. Breakfast was still being served so I refilled my tummy and coffee cup. what I really wanted was info on the elusive fugitive. The dude in front of me was a new agent, he was nervous about going. "you'll be fine, just stay near me.

Off we went in a SUV convoy, we traveled for half a day due northwest. I was sick of coffee, beef jerky, cigarettes, and just about every single serving treat the highways had to offer.

we came to a halt in a cozy midwest town, plenty of nice folks.

after a couple hour search, it was dark, but we found the street we wanted, and sure enough seen our bounty walking into the house. He had a case of beer under his arm. It was the guy i was hunting that got away! Intell already found out he was traveling in car trunks to avoid getting spotted.

Cat the bounty hunter was in the second suv. he clicked the radio. "we wait till the lights go out. then BLAM!"
I look over and ask,
"how come you didnt tell me we're going after the murder suspect?" "We have an informant in the company. Every time we've had a lead, the man gets the jump on us. three months chasing him, and he slipped away every time. This time were not letting him get away."

Sure enough, after a couple hours all the lights went out.

We went in for the hunt.

The house had an eight foot fence, a small leap for an athletic newyorican.

"were going in!"

I heard the front door entry, and at the same time the fugitive jumped out his window. The new boy was nearest to the dude. I yelled out, freeze mutherphuka! I never should have cause the new guy froze and the fugitive clotheslined him. HOLY SH*T!
LOL! I couldn't believe it!

Now the dude is running!
I had to jump the fence, through the trees, ran past a ditch, onto the street. now i had clear space. I followed him to the corner. he slowed down to jump another fence. I leaped to tackle him, but clipped him in right behind his knee. OUUUUWW!- the 6'6" 250 pounder yelled out so loud! he flopped around on the ground holding his leg. I put my boot on his throat. I tasted blood- I busted my lip.
I got a cuff on an arm when my trainee showed up. he struggled to get free. I held him by the cuffs, helped him up. The newbie said "WTF?" he looked pissed. the dude lunged forward and almost head butted him! I kicked the bad knee and down he went. "grab my mace, anything goes wrong you spray.

Now the neighbors are outside. "get on the radio, call the team, lets get off the street."

"Bail Enforcement everybody, this is a felony arrest-everybody stay back." one nieghbor came closer anyways. "hey! everybody back."

"check his pockets", "you have any weapons?"
"phuk yu biatch- I'll be out in an hour"

Stupid mofo dont know were 12+ hours away from home. roflol.

"OK, pat him down"

the dude has two little baggies with white crystals...METH!

The nieghbors alerted the police, they were now inside looking around the house.

inside the house there was different paraphernalia, sinus medicine, 9mm handguns, money in rolls.
all the precursors to manufacture meth.

The roommate was subsequently charged with possesion with intent to distribute, and precursor-materials to manufacture meth.

Then the officers wanted to see all the bounty hunters licenses. phew! no problem.

Load em up.

The road trip home was long. We wouldnt let the dude take a piss or have a smoke.

The dude lightend up though when we made fun of the rookie gettin clotheslined. he said he was sorry for hitting him, no hard feelings. ouch-and we move on. Roflol :rofl:

The fugitive later told me he wanted to become a hunter as well. I told him he had all the right stuff, hell he ran for 3 months. He knows what to look for in a bounty. "Call me up when ur out. I'll hook u up."

The dude was later booked with felony bond jumping charges. 5 years automatic. he awaits trial for capital murder charges, he goes to sentencing later this week.