The SupraAgent…
I just began my new job. After some brief classes and licensing with the state, I began the tedious process of registering with the courthouses, Jailhouses, and police stations.
My supe has a rebuilt and bulletproofed 7M. All went smoothly, the temps were on the hotter side cuz I destroyed the mechanical fan and replaced it with an electric fan. I did what I could to keep it from overheating, I turned defrost on high to help cool it. 15 years old, but the A/C works, but I had no chance of using it in the hot summer days in Mississippi.
Then, I received a phone call from my manager. I was to start bounty hunting tonight. I’m getting broke in like a veteran. PSSST! I run to Gulfport to the police supply and prepare to hunt tonight. Like any good ROOKIE, I over-do it and get swat pants, boots, Bail Enforcement T-shirts, Pepper-mace, cuffs, shackles, a badge, law enforcement sticker, and a neck chain style badge holder. I wanted a 45 and some body armor, but I couldn’t afford it since the supra gods took their tribute. (OS! If the car won’t kill me, the criminals will!)
The dash clock read 5:30p, I had to go meet the rest of the team.
I get there and take my seat. I was quiet and cautious around my new environment. There were 2 women and 4 men. Naturally, one of the femme fatales was a gun-HO! (lol)
I didn’t dare piss her off cuz she had a gun. I better watch out for mistakes.
The crew said I had to apprehend the subject or I wouldn’t be initiated. This was my bust. So, I didn’t flinch, shrugged my shoulders in cocky forwardness. I wasn’t gonna be intimidated by my crew. They depended on me to chase the 6 foot, 210pd man and keep control of the situation. (Yeah… that’s right, I’m 5’10, 150 pds- and I ain’t skeered)
For some reason, the movie
Blue Streak kept messing with my head.
Poot yur handz on da oodles and noodlez!” (“chicken or beef?”

Well isn’t this special, were goin to his job… a local restaurant. I get a partner to ride with me in the supra.
“This ones a runner”, so I was to watch one of the doors at the rear of the restaurant.
When we went to the back, there was a waitress taking a cigarette break. My partner showed her a picture, and she went in to tell the guy.
Needless to say, the dude ran str8 for the front door. There were four in the front, so he did a 180 for the rear doors. The other door was open, so my partner saw him and warned me he was headed for my door.
I had the door cracked, and put my hands on the door to stun him when he tries to open it. He ran so hard, it opened the door anyways, I was pushed back, but managed to put my hands on him.
Just as I clinched my fingers to lock him in, my partner grabbed him by the neck and did a hip toss. BOOOM! We both hit the ground. My hands were still locked, so I locked him further with my legs. I got scratched up, but nothing worth bragging about. After cuffing, I proceeded to search him, he was clean.
Well, the other car was filled 4 deep, so I was to run him to jail in the supe!
I shackled his feet, and dumped him in the back seat. My partner warned him he’d get mace if he tried anything.
The temp gauge in the supra warmed up with every minute. Flying down the highway I had to slow down- speed limit was 70. The situation also calmed down, and the subject was talking cordially. The guy knew about supras, said he had an 87t- 13sec supe back in 1998. He wrecked it on a wet road.
I get to the police station, and naturally I was sniffed out… time to mess with the NOOB. I had to learn how to surrender the criminal properly. So- I had to correctly fill all the paperwork.
NO prob!
Hehe- they said I would need help cause everyone asks for help.
I already had his original custody papers, so all I had to do is copy the information needed to book him!)
It’s now nearing midnight, so the team was reduced to 3- two males, one female. We loaded up a Taurus and headed 80 miles out of town.
This began my first stakeout. We stayed there till morning. Mosquitoes were tearin me up!
Tomorrow we’ll catch this one. He has to come home sometime.
I finally got to bed at 9:45 am.