here are pictures of my old supras that i once had and now really miss!:icon_sad:
91 turbo targa and a 90 turbo targa. both had the 5 spd, and lsd. first i bought the 91 with 149k for $3200! I truely miss this car! and then after regretting the sell of it so bad i found the 90 turbo targa with 155k, rod knock, dent in driver fender, a wrinkle in passenger qtr panel, and ripped leathers for $100 and traded my old honda parts and some subwoofers for it.
i had planned to make it look like my 91 but with the paycut i had at the time, i didnt have the funds to. so i sold it.
if i could find the guy that i sold my 91 to, i'd buy it back in a heartbeat! i'll be happy when i find another one like my 91.