tomorrow i'll finally get the head installed on the car! pretty excited, as this is the last really big step. from there, it is just a lot of wrenching and hose attaching.
so today i spent about 3-4 hours working on the block.
here is what i started with:
i bought a bunch of dirt cheap sponges from a local $1 Dollar Store. 6 sponges for $2!

i cut them up and used them to fill the oil and coolant holes in the block.

i realized right after i took the pictures that there were 5 more coolant holes along the driver's side of the block. i filled those too, but didnt bother taking another picture.
and here is a close up of what the block looked like, in terms of filth and leftover gasket. really, not in too bad shape.
so then i went at it with razor blades, scraper tools, an old well-used teflon-safe dish scrubber pad, and a cup or 2 of lacquer thinner.
3 hours and about 6 razor blades later:
i know it still looks dirty, but those are just stains. it is clean as can be, and smoother than a baby's ass. not that i've been feeling up babies or anything. i just hear they have smooth asses...
i didnt bother doing much with the tops of hte pistons. #1 piston had quite a bit of carbon built up inside one of the valve relief slots, so i chipped it out very carefully with a flathead screw driver. other than that. i just gave them a quick rub down with a rag soaked in lacquer thinner. also found some carbon built up at the very top of the inside of each cylinder. i scratched it out of the cylinder with my fingernail, and now all of them are nice and smooth all the way up to the top. i cleaned out each cylinder pretty carefully with rags and compressed air, and rotated the engine at least a dozen tons, stopping to clean out each cylinder when the piston was at the bottom of its stroke. when i finished cleaning and removed all the debris and shit, i also lightly oiled the cylinder walls. hopefully that is the right way to do it... i wasnt sure but i figured it couldnt hurt.
so yea, tomorrow, i'll chase the head bolt holes in the block (didnt have the right sized tap handle for a 12mmx1.25 tap today :: angry :

. i'll probably have to do another cleaning of the cylinder walls after chasing the threads, even though i'll tape off the cylinders. i just want to be sure none of the metal bits or junk from the head bolt hole threads finds it way in there after i get done blowing the holes out. then ill wipe down the deck with some more lacquer thinner and throw my head gasket on, and then drop the head on, after i put down some FIPG in the slot between the block and the timing cover.
i am getting excited! the end is in sight and i sooo miss driving this car. can't wait to get it back on the road, hopefully healthier than ever!