The (old) Official Gun Thread.

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Unauthorized Lurker
Jun 10, 2006
Well this is as close to a gun as I have... plan on getting a rifle soon for some fun.


Surf City Supra

New Member
Sep 9, 2007
Southern CA
sweet, I bought a cheap sword off the internet once. Pretty much swap meet quality. Good enough for high school video projects though...

Do you guys have any suggestions for a good bolt action rifle? I have the usual .22 but I've always thought the bolt action rifles were cool. Nothing really nice, just something to learn to shoot with.



Feb 22, 2006
Columbus, Indiana
Surf City Supra said:
sweet, I bought a cheap sword off the internet once. Pretty much swap meet quality. Good enough for high school video projects though...

Do you guys have any suggestions for a good bolt action rifle? I have the usual .22 but I've always thought the bolt action rifles were cool. Nothing really nice, just something to learn to shoot with.

depends on caliber.... I myself have a Weatherby Vanguard in a 7mm Magnum caliber but really like to have a .300 Rem Ultra Mag rifle if not a .50 BMG. Suggestions vary on your budget, what you want it to do for you, quality, etc..


Supramania Contributor
Nov 19, 2006
Nor Cal
I just bought a mossberg 500 a few days back only 4 more days till I can go pick it up.. hella juiced about it.


Apr 24, 2007
Macon, GA
Ive been doing a little studying and want to get a handgun. Of course i will be getting a license to begin with. What do you think is a good pistol to start with as a first gun? Im not looking to spend a shit ton of money but would like something nice, balanced and reliable. Ive been starting to travel more and would like a little personal protection.

aye mate

Hiatus over.
Mar 30, 2005
RedEj8 said:
Ive been doing a little studying and want to get a handgun. Of course i will be getting a license to begin with. What do you think is a good pistol to start with as a first gun? Im not looking to spend a shit ton of money but would like something nice, balanced and reliable. Ive been starting to travel more and would like a little personal protection.
Check out Taurus. I have a Taurus 24/7 PRO in .40 S&W, paid $425 brand new 2 15round mags and a case. They also make it in 9mm and .45.


Supramania Contributor
I like the smaller version from Taurus. It is based on the same smooth trigger action, but has a smaller frame and slide. (And thus is more concealable...)

They even make a Ti version of the slide on a polymer frame.. Very light, and very nice. (But it's about 600.00 IIRC.)
Besides, who really needs more than 11 rounds of 9mm anway? (And you can put in another magazine if you are in an extended shoot out, but that would be really, really rare in the real world....)

I have been wanting one of these for awile. I have a PT92 in 9mm with the 15 round mags, a 30 round extended, and some 17 round ones. It has digested all kinds of ammo. Everything from Winchester to Wolf. No misfires, no problems. (And for many years, I shot the ultra cheap, China sourced machine gun rounds that were so hot, many complained they were causing slide failures on these guns..)

Here you go. :)


Feb 22, 2006
Columbus, Indiana
Adjuster said:
XD is a great rated handgun. I don't like the glock type trigger, and the action is not nearly as smooth as the Taurus, but the price is about the same if you looking blue to blue, or stainless to stainless. (There is no Ti option for the XD that I'm aware of.)

Alrighty, here's my problem...I can't decide if I want the XD40 .40 S&W 3" Sub-Compact or the XD45 .45 ACP 4" Compact in the killer green/black combo. I want to be able to have good stopping power, good range, and can be concealed at least somewhat easy. I really like the feel of the XD40 sub-compact I held, but idk...


Supramania Contributor
Buy what you like, that fits your hand, and is in your price range.

Don't just buy off some article. :)

I just like the way some pistols point for me, and not so much on others... (Just grab the gun, look at your target, and point.. then sight up and see if the barrel is tilted down, up or whatever.. And that's where your going to shoot most likely in a stress situation... Everyone's different, so try some guns, and see if I'm right.. )

I shoot low with Glock's and the XD's..
I shoot right on with my PT92, and the PT111 feels much like my larger frame auto, so I'm comfortable with it.

I've told this story before, but it's relevant to your choice.
Friend of mine was a MP in the 70's.
He came up on a guy raping a girl on base.
He pulled his 1911, and yelled for the guy to stop.
Guy comes up off the girl with a K-bar knife in his hand.
My friend shoots they guy.
He shot to kill him, center of mass, but hit him in the leg, below the knee.

Why? This was a trained MP. Someone who's a marksman with both a pistol and rifle. Why did he miss?

Stress and pointing. His natural point on that pistol is to shoot low. Give him another second to line up, and he'd have put the round anywhere he wanted, but under stress, under split second thinking, he shot the guy in the lower leg... (They had to amputate it BTW, and the military has no mercy for rapists...)


Senior VIP Member
Aug 23, 2006
Hot and Humid, KY
I just got an early birthday and christmas present from the father, a Ruger P95. Anything I should be aware about them as far as acessories, malfunctions, characterists, go with this gun? I don't have it on me right now, but I'm not sure if the letters after the number 5 will make much of a difference in the design variations of it. It's black with a plastic/composite grip, and has a spot to mount acessories on it.

Let me know fellas.
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