Just thought I would share this, gf shooting for the first time = total success

I went shooting and the gf came along, she has been wanting to shoot for a long time now but has always backed out. I never wanted to pressure her into it to strongly. I figure she has to want to shoot and feel comfortable or it wouldn't be a good experience if I was forcing a gun into her hands.
This time we were out in the woods(legally and safely before anyone gets jumpy). I asked if she wanted to shoot a little bit and she was excited to try it out this time. I'm no training expert so I'm hoping I did everything correctly for a first time shooter.
She has basic gun knowledge but I went over all the basics first. Always point the gun down range or at the ground. I stressed that even if you Know the gun is empty still treat it as if it's loaded. I showed her how to visually see and physically feel if the gun was loaded or cocked ready to fire. I showed her how to rack the slide back and drop the mag, etc all before handing her the pistol.
We went to our make shift lane and I handed her an empty pistol explaining proper grip and lining up the sights on the target etc. I let her dry fire for a while to get a feel for the trigger trying to explain how to squeeze the trigger slowly and when it fires it should be a surprise. She got the idea behind it being a surprise and not to clinch, anticipate or pull suddenly on the trigger.
I loaded 1 round in the mag and went back to the lane maybe 15 feet back from the target and let her rack and fire the pistol for the first time. She missed the paper high and was kinda upset but right away wanted to try again which I thought was great. I gave her a full mag and she missed way high again first shot, I corrected her stance and gave some pointers. Next shot hit the paper and they kept getting closer into the bulls eye and by the 5th shot I think she nailed the orange! She finished off the mag with the rest of the shots in the black.
At that point it started to rain so we had to pack it up and head out and sadly her target got mixed into the trash targets in the rush to get out of the rain. She was really wanting to take the target to work and show off her first time shooting.
She's already asked when are we going to go shooting again, so next time I'm going to bring up "So, how about we stop at the gun shop and see what type of pistol you might like"
