The official MGS4: Guns of the patriots thread.


Boostin USA
Apr 9, 2007
Harford County, Maryland
ILikeCarsYesIDo;1062498 said:
I have the lower wattage Xbox 360 ;)


why are the guys in the other room jerking off together???

oh thats right xbox fanboys.....:biglaugh:


Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
ILikeCarsYesIDo;1062522 said:
They're playing Mario Kart Wii. The guy in the right room is playing the Xbox.
You mean the Wii game that got a 7 average rating? Damn, another friggin FPS on 360 in the back ground too. Didn't anyone teach XBOX fan boys that FPS's are 100x better on PC? Poor guys. Yeah, the guy in the living room is def having the most fun. Since when is having a game that not only kicks ass... but has a crazy movie like story a bad thing? This is more of a compliment.

I know it hurts your stuck with your 360, its ok... the darkside is calling you.

Big Wang Bandit

You Can't Quit Me Baby
Feb 21, 2006
San Ramon, CA - 925!
^ Agreed.

I'm a PC fan, But I always love how playstation fanfags always jump bandwagon on the xbox fanfags.

Bunch of commies.

Reference. I have a PC
and a 360.
PS3 will come when I get the money, and GT5 is here.


Permanently Banned
Nov 26, 2007
Hayward, CA
SupraOfDoom;1062582 said:
You mean the Wii game that got a 7 average rating? Damn, another friggin FPS on 360 in the back ground too. Didn't anyone teach XBOX fan boys that FPS's are 100x better on PC? Poor guys. Yeah, the guy in the living room is def having the most fun. Since when is having a game that not only kicks ass... but has a crazy movie like story a bad thing? This is more of a compliment.

I know it hurts your stuck with your 360, its ok... the darkside is calling you.



I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX

It's supposed to be a GAME. If I wanted a movie, I'd go buy one.

It's a horrible trend in gaming today, where you sit there and watch things happen instead of actually doing them! Aren't we having fun now?


I'll go back to playing Psychonauts or any other groundbreaking, artful, and FUN games out there...


Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
Seriously... you realize there is still plenty of game play and the story is awesome so who cares? If this was on 360 you guys would be talking about how damn great this game was and its pathetic that your dissing it for something that isn't remotely bad. From almost everybody who's played it.. they've told me its the best game they've ever played. It's pretty simple, the game kicks ass and 360 fans gotta come up with something to dislike about it since they don't have it.

I'm also the most into PC. I've been a PC gamer since Doom and Duke Nukem... I've been around for it all. I've been into internet gaming since 56k was considered fast. Personally this is the reason I hate 360, since the 360 came out Microsoft stopped putting their effort into PC gaming, and now there are 800 shitty FPS games for a damn controller system while the PC games have been struggling.

The PC and PS3 is defiantly the best combo you can get, almost every good 360 game is ported to the PC... and for all those exclusive PS3 games you can't get its nice to have your PS3... as well as for the BR player ect.

Anyway, who's excited about Starcraft II? I'm super excited... but honestly I want Diablo III more.


Permanently Banned
Nov 26, 2007
Hayward, CA
SupraOfDoom;1062823 said:
Seriously... you realize there is still plenty of game play and the story is awesome so who cares? If this was on 360 you guys would be talking about how damn great this game was and its pathetic that your dissing it for something that isn't remotely bad. From almost everybody who's played it.. they've told me its the best game they've ever played. It's pretty simple, the game kicks ass and 360 fans gotta come up with something to dislike about it since they don't have it.

I'm also the most into PC. I've been a PC gamer since Doom and Duke Nukem... I've been around for it all. I've been into internet gaming since 56k was considered fast. Personally this is the reason I hate 360, since the 360 came out Microsoft stopped putting their effort into PC gaming, and now there are 800 shitty FPS games for a damn controller system while the PC games have been struggling.

The PC and PS3 is defiantly the best combo you can get, almost every good 360 game is ported to the PC... and for all those exclusive PS3 games you can't get its nice to have your PS3... as well as for the BR player ect.

Anyway, who's excited about Starcraft II? I'm super excited... but honestly I want Diablo III more.

You know I'm just fucking around right? I have pictures for everything.



7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
SupraOfDoom;1062823 said:
I'm also the most into PC. I've been a PC gamer since Doom and Duke Nukem... I've been around for it all. I've been into internet gaming since 56k was considered fast. Personally this is the reason I hate 360, since the 360 came out Microsoft stopped putting their effort into PC gaming, and now there are 800 shitty FPS games for a damn controller system while the PC games have been struggling.

The PC and PS3 is defiantly the best combo you can get, almost every good 360 game is ported to the PC... and for all those exclusive PS3 games you can't get its nice to have your PS3... as well as for the BR player ect.

Anyway, who's excited about Starcraft II? I'm super excited... but honestly I want Diablo III more.

I've been there too, since I built my first 386. I remember when 8mb of RAM cost me $188. You can get 8gb for that price now.
I think one thing that is killing PC gaming is the MMORPG scene. I hope that games like a new Diablo, or even the new Fallout game, can help resurrect the lost joy of PC gaming. Simply put, if it was made for a PC, it absolutely IS NOT as good ported on a console as it is on a PC. The main example of this is any FPS.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 31, 2005
I just finished my first play through of the game tonight. Yes I said FIRST play through but Ill get to that in a second.

This game is MORE then a game. Its a complete experience. BECAUSE of the cut scene length and the details that went into this game in all aspects you feel as though you are part of it and you relate to the characters. This game excels BECAUSE of its movie like nature and not in spite of it.

Without cut scenes this game on a first play through in pure gameplay would probably take you anywhere from 5-10 hours depending on your ability in gaming. A LOT of games clock in around that time. In fact that WONDERFUL Gears of War on Xbox was SHORTER then that in just gameplay.

I was captivated from start to finish with this game and it is most definitley number 1 on my list of best games played as an entirety. Its not JUST about gameplay or JUST about story or JUST about action with this game. Its about ALL of it.

You also have to understand that this game NEEDED a lot of cut scenes because it had a LOT to tie up from the past 20 years that this story has been unfolding.

In the end the game is great and as I said before there is MAJOR replayability here and I will most certainly be going through it again and again to get all the cool items and the emblems and dont forget about MGO.

In the end there are really only a few people who dislike this game: 360 fanboys who are jealous that it will NEVER be on their beloved system (even if it was ported it would take about 10 discs for them to play it), people who have no interest whatsoever in gaming, people who cant understand the storyline for one reason or another, and people who dont like "tactical" gameplay (even though this one was a lot more lenient on the "run and gun style" being acceptable).

This game most certainly deserved the 10/10 it has been given. A LOT more then GTAIV which I believe was gifted that score thanks to some $$$$ but I digress. If you own a PS3 its your duty to go and pick this game up and play it and enjoy it. If you dont own a PS3, this game is reason enough to go and BUY one and play this.


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
Sorry, not in that list of people that don't like the game for that reason.

I don't game a lot anymore because of this. Most games are either ripoffs of previous games, or remakes with better graphics.

About the only game in recent time that I truely enjoy (putting aside multiplayer online games) is Metroid Prime.

Ever notice that these hugely hyped games ALWAYS get great magazine reviews? I wonder why...


Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
Yeah, that explains GT5:p's average of 7-8 in the mags, MGS2's average in the 8's, low averages for RE3, ect. The game can have the name behind it and still get lower reviews... I happens in almost every mag or review site. Besides that, everyone who actually played through the game said it was easily 10 material.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 31, 2005
Poodles;1063248 said:
Sorry, not in that list of people that don't like the game for that reason.

I don't game a lot anymore because of this. Most games are either ripoffs of previous games, or remakes with better graphics.

About the only game in recent time that I truely enjoy (putting aside multiplayer online games) is Metroid Prime.

Ever notice that these hugely hyped games ALWAYS get great magazine reviews? I wonder why...

So what is the reason you dont like the game? It has as much actual gameplay as most other games, it simply has a LOT more story being told through cut scenes. I fail to see why this is a problem.


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
There's a huge need for cutscenes in games.

I think it gives you more background on the charecter as well as show his/her feelings/thoughts.

imagine GTA IV but just reading about why Niko was there. The cut scenes made it obvious why he was there.


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
There is no need for "cut scenes" when you can have a linear story part that literally plays out the scene with the player interacting.

Many games did this back in the day as they didn't have the space to have all the movie sequences.

I still stand say most modern games suck as actual "games."


India Delta OneZero Tango
Feb 12, 2008
I too just finished MGS4. This being my first Playstation system (Nintendo thru the 64, then both Xboxes), this was the first MG game I've played. I think I would have liked it far better if I had played the other three. And I will, someday.

But, even as a first jump into the series-

My god, the game was absolutely epic. I would nitpick about certain things, but it's not worth it. I wanted to start my second playthrough right then, but I had to go to bed.