The never ending project...


New Member
Sep 26, 2007
Oahu, Hawaii
Theres something about supras...

Its kind of a good thing...just not for your wallet...haha

shit does anyone else feel like shit with their mk3 is freaking constant??

i bought my car got a new intake then the next day coudnt get it started, wasnt getting spark in 1 and 6 thought it was the coil pack got a new one but turns out it was just a loose wire to the cps (i think) plug. Then when i finally get it running good my targa breaks and i almost loose it doing 80 on the freeway. So i get a new targa and paint it and get allll the rust out in one loooong weekend. I get a boost controller and boost gauge running 11 psi and then i crack my accordion hose in half. I just got my car running again after getting a new accordion hose and 2 days later i get into a fucking car accident and need a new bumper...

hahahaha i think my car just might be cursed or something...


New Member
Sep 26, 2007
Oahu, Hawaii
oh yeah i forgot to add that this is all in a 4 month span.

and that its kind of a good thing because now im rarely ever bored and always seems like i have something to do or work for hahaha


Canadian Bacon
Mar 16, 2007
Step 1: Put a horseshoe on the dash, open end up.

Step 2: Sacrifice an albino goat across the hood (by slitting its throat), then drip blood on the turbo, the engine, the targa, and the rear bumper (in that order), then paint the front bumper using blood from its liver (must be from the liver). The boost magic should ward off evil lag spirits and the God Boost will smile upon the Supra.

Step 3: Leave overnight

Step 4: Wash and boost.

Seriously though, I feel your pain.


New Member
Sep 26, 2007
Oahu, Hawaii
Keros said:
Step 1: Put a horseshoe on the dash, open end up.

Step 2: Sacrifice an albino goat across the hood (by slitting its throat), then drip blood on the turbo, the engine, the targa, and the rear bumper (in that order), then paint the front bumper using blood from its liver (must be from the liver). The boost magic should ward off evil lag spirits and the God Boost will smile upon the Supra.

Step 3: Leave overnight

Step 4: Wash and boost.

Seriously though, I feel your pain.

HAHAHA you almost made me lol in the middle of my business class