The nerve of the left

91T breezen'

Apr 4, 2005
Well, just when I thought the left could get no lower, (in my book) they are trying mightily, to block the airing of ABC's docu-drama "The lead up to 9/11".
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this what they, (the left) accuse the right of doing?:icon_conf Censorship=Socialism. Welcome to left wing America!:icon_surp They don't want America, to see just how badly the previous administration screwed things up. They have no shame. It will be interesting, to see how it might affect the voting, come Nov.8th! That is, unless they are sucessful, and "scare" ABC into pulling it off. I have heard, that it points out the current administrations shortcomings on the matter also. Fact of the matter is, we have not been attacked again since 9/11. And why is that boys and girls? Because the president has enough balls, to protect the country, through projection of American military might. Taking the fight to the enemy, has severely hampered their ability to organize anything that would come close to being a terrorist act, along the same magnitude as 9/11. Argue that, if you dare!!!:icon_razz

91T breezen'

Apr 4, 2005
Allan_MA70 said:
for one of the few that tend to get offended in here you sure do post in off topic alot!

I know, it's getting pretty bad!:1zhelp: charged! LOL!:biglaugh:


Supramania Contributor
It is typical ULEE hypocrite mentality.

I have have it, or have done it, but now you can't becasue I think it's dangerous for you... (And I should know, I've done it/have it..)

The "Left" or ULEE's are bitching because they will have their guy, Clinton streatched out and given 10 lashes for his lousy performance on terrorism. It's all public knowlege, but the normally ULEE controlled media has just ignored it while spending millions stirring up trouble for Bush and the "Right" about things completely mundane compared to Clinton's fuck ups.

I swear, if Gore had been president, after 911 we would have sent a few cruise missiles, possibly done some covert raids, but I really doubt we would have done anything like we have done to take the fight to the enemy, and I might add, kick the enemy's ass in the process.

This whole idea that the ULEE's are promoting about cutting and running the Middle East is a bad one. If we leave again without completing the job that needs to be done, the rest of the countries all around Iraq will see that we do not keep our word, we leave when the going get's tough, and it will make our lives less secure in the years to come if those neighbors of Iraq see us leave now.

On the flip side, we stay, we get Iraq in order, they become a nice prosperous place like Germany and Japan have done after the USA helped rebuild them after WWII, and our status in the Middle East will improve, and terrorism will decrease.

If the average "man" on the streets of "anytown" in the Middle East thinks we are weak, liars and baby killers, they will support terrorism either directly, or indirectly till the end of time.

If on the other hand, that same person see's what is possible when you take religion out of the controlling government, and don't do it with a ruthless psychopath dictator, but a democracy of the people and for the people, I belive terrorism will have fewer places to hide and fester.

The other option is to just erase Terrorism by killing off anyplace that supports it. Are you ready to erase countries like Iran, Syria, Lebanon, UAE, Saudi Arabia and Jordan? Oh, and we can't forget places like Palastine, just erase the Arabs, and leave the Jews right?

Not a very good option v/s sticking it out in Iraq, and if we don't get it done now, eventually we will have few other options. (Just wait till some Islamic terrorist nukes a US city. The whole PC deal we have now will end in short order when a few million US citizens die from terrorism, and it will happen if we can't get a handle on terrorism right now.)


Mr. Evergreen
Mar 30, 2005
for one i think its a mistake to seperate a country into "left" and "right" especially now, for those who have met me who would have known that i was "left"?

bombs and guns will not end terrorism. Just like these threads, someone will always be rubbed the wrong way. My ears are open, i'll keep my mouth shut.



Bay Area Supras
Apr 1, 2005
Bay Area, CA
you have to be a hypocrite to be a politician, either left or right. time to vote for people who are not Demo or Rep. they've fucked up for long enough. out with the old, in with the new.


Supramania Contributor
That's my point dude. Bombs and guns will not end terrorism (without lots of death anyway.) but showing them that we complete what we start will be a start to ending terrorism around the world if it's done right.

If we just leave now, and if we had done nothing, would terrorism go away? (The ULEE's keep saying it would, but this movie will show that ULEE #1, Bill Clinton is very responsible for not stopping many attacks on us before 09/11/01.)

Since Bush has become a "warmonger" we have had NONE here in the USA.

None dude.

Is that just luck?

Is it because they no longer hate us?

Is it because the combination of wire taps, and other good intellegence work, and sacrifice, dedication and good warfare skills and equipment, we have prevailed against the terrorists?

I'm thinking it's clearly the last one.

Complete what we have started, or we will end up like Bill Clinton's era again, with the Cole bombing, embassy bombings going un answered, and the world sitting back laughing at the USA while we struggle to be PC, and have some kind of security in our own country. You can't just launch some cruise missiles and call it a day. The terrorists have to be erased, and the governments who support them crushed. Part of that takes bombs and guns, and the other part is building a solid standing for the USA in the middle east. (We have had none since Carter betrayed the Shaw, and we watched Iran go from being our greatest ally to our #1 enemy.) Do you think the other countries over there did not notice?


Supramania Contributor
Apr 12, 2005
Pomona, CA
Adjuster said:
I swear, if Gore had been president, after 911 we would have sent a few cruise missiles, possibly done some covert raids, but I really doubt we would have done anything like we have done to take the fight to the enemy, and I might add, kick the enemy's ass in the process.

I agree, and in that case we would have thousands less dead troops, billions less debt, and we would have Osama by now.


( . )( . )'s RULE!!!!
May 12, 2006
Jackson, MO
I say we need to take all the money and power outta be in politics before you'll get someone worth a damn, thats a misconception on both sides, left right or in the middle they do NOT care about any of you or what you want. Time for a nobody to become somebody. SHAZAM