The Date Idea thread


Sep 12, 2005
89jdm7m said:
my g/f hardly ever lets me pay for anything, if i try too hard to pay she gets a lil mad... i'm assuming this is a good thing?
So if you blow your motor:biglaugh: ?

lol i usually take a gurl to like olive garden then drive around and give em the bov treatment..:biglaugh:

no but i liek the dinner and golf thing the movies get gay... or a local beach for a walk.. lol depends on the gurl. but i like showing off and paying $$$ for food adn going out alot..

<showing off is %50 of why my car got bhg>lmfao...
its all better though


237lbs. of Ballast
Jun 4, 2005
Tampa, FL
It's all about what you're expecting out of the girl/relationship. Dinner and a movie seems so played out, but maybe that's just me. I like your planetarium/laser show idea way more than a movie. Unless it's a matinee at the dollar theater followed by dinner someplace fun.

Maybe I'm weird, but I like to go do things where conversation can happen. When my fiancee and I started dating, we used to meet at the local bookstore, pick an aisle and read and talk--although it was usually the travel or photog aisle, so it was more a "ooh look at this!" or "wouldn't it be fun to go there?" type of conversation.

I think it's more fun when you can do something together where you can learn what the other person likes to do or where you can at least get some idea about what the person is about. Then you don't have to worry so much about date ideas, b/c you'll know what she likes to do and you can make your time with her more personal and special to her.

Unless of course, you're just trying to PIITB...


shaeff is FTMFW!
Mar 30, 2005
MA, 01440
Yeah I was never a fan of going to see a movie just because. It seems like the easy way out of a date... 2hrs of not talking, ::gasp:: maybe you'll hold hands!...
just seems like getting the date out of the way. I'd much rather mini golf. semi-competitive things like that are always fun for a date. Unless she's a crybaby... "waaah, let me win!"


237lbs. of Ballast
Jun 4, 2005
Tampa, FL
Yeah, +1 for outdoor activities, +1 for something you can somewhat have a convo while doing. Be original. She'll remember you if you take her to do something she's never done before--especially if she really likes it.


The Backseat Flyer
Sep 17, 2005
robeats91t said:
It's all about what you're expecting out of the girl/relationship. Dinner and a movie seems so played out, but maybe that's just me. I like your planetarium/laser show idea way more than a movie. Unless it's a matinee at the dollar theater followed by dinner someplace fun.

Maybe I'm weird, but I like to go do things where conversation can happen. When my fiancee and I started dating, we used to meet at the local bookstore, pick an aisle and read and talk--although it was usually the travel or photog aisle, so it was more a "ooh look at this!" or "wouldn't it be fun to go there?" type of conversation.

I think it's more fun when you can do something together where you can learn what the other person likes to do or where you can at least get some idea about what the person is about. Then you don't have to worry so much about date ideas, b/c you'll know what she likes to do and you can make your time with her more personal and special to her.

Unless of course, you're just trying to PIITB...

Yeah I usually like to do that kind of stuff too. Conversation dates FTW!

Here's the last date I went on with a girl before the school year was in April sometime

Me: "Hey, I wanna take you on a date."
Gir: ":) ok"
Me: "Sweet! Ok, I'm not gonna tell you what we're gonna do, but bring two pairs of shoes. One for a restaurant and one that is comfortable to walk in"

Girl: "Alrighty!"

*We go to Outback and I end up paying $80 on two pieces of meat the size of my fist!! Then I say...*

Me: "Alright, did you bring you other shoes?"
Girl: "Yeah, but seriously. Tell me what we're gonna do! :)"

Me: "Fine...but only because you look so cute right now..."
Girl: ":)"

Me: "We're going mini golfing"
Girl: :eek3: "I don't play mini golf!! I got a concussion when I was little playing it!"

Me: :eek2:

*So we go to a movie...the rest of the night we hardly talked. Annnnnnd we never went out again. *

Lol, I really liked that girl too, but she was kind of a prude


Sep 12, 2005
roller skating. i jam skate. seriously look it up on watch soem videos n shit. but yeah. lol gurls like that shit too..
i always go liek friday n saturday n i went there one time and this fine ass gurl was like can i have a ride in ur car*
ahhh good times <god damn bhg>


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
So if you blow your motor ? part of the reason my supra isnt my daily :) hardly a chance of BHG in my 02 altima :) (not enough power, silly 4 banger)

onejoez, partly because she is paying her whole way through school and that i have some help, and that i feel that it is right. im oldschool


World I Am Gay Blue!!!
Dec 2, 2005
Fargo ND
You guys are going to laugh but this is how I got my wife!!!!

Keep in mind this is ND!!!

1. Picked her up ( opened the car door for her) lame but works
2. Took her to the Truck Stop for Dinner
3. Took her to the Monster Trucks (these are lame monster trucks no
Gravedigger ect)
4. Then we drove around for a while and went parking out in the middle of some field (no hibidy, but I did get the dibiddy)
5. finally drove her home and kissed her goodnight.

(I know I was such the player)


237lbs. of Ballast
Jun 4, 2005
Tampa, FL
92turbo4life said:
FUCK THAT>> i take shit seriuosly so giving me a gun and a competion wont work. lol
LOL, just trying to come up with ideas for SD...You've got your jam skating, which is something I could never do. I got talked into going on a blind date with one chick one time who was an ice skater. I can hardly stand on ice skates on carpet much less on you can imagine how that date went.

The main point is coming up with something both people enjoy. There's no point in taking someone skating if they end up breaking their wrists, just like there's no reason to take a girl out onto a paintball field if she's just going to stand around, get shot up and complain about it all.

Here in Tampa, the USF outdoor recreation department will offer canoe rentals in the evenings for moonlight canoe rides on certain nights. Maybe check with your school and see if anything like that exists?


Sep 12, 2005
check some videos out..
lol ive been skatin since i was 12 and i dont do it as much. i only go sakting once in a whiile now. but il tell ya what. when you go on there. that music is so badass to listen to when u drive the supra... I LOVE IT


Computer Aided Drafting
Aug 10, 2006
robeats91t said:
How about paintballing? My fiancee loved it when we went. Would be a good way to weed out the overly girly-girls...

I used to do pro-ball here in Oregon. The only thing my girlfriend would have anything to do with as far as paintball... was... counting my welts at the end of the day:naughty: