Lux;1583598 said:
Black on a car looks utterly horrendous
Would you consider reading the definitions of the choice of your words, below?
Main Entry: ut·ter
Pronunciation: \ˈə-tər\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, remote, from Old English ūtera outer, comparative adjective from ūt out, adverb — more at out
Date: 15th century
carried to the utmost point or highest degree : absolute, total <utter darkness> <utter strangers>
— ut·ter·ly adverb
Main Entry: hor·ren·dous
Pronunciation: \hȯ-ˈren-dəs, hä-, hə-\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin horrendus, from gerundive of horrēre
Date: 1659
: horrible, dreadful
Considering the definitions above, please allow me to paraphrase what you said,
"black on a car is horrible to the highest degree." I've heard statements like "black doesn't look good on this type of car," "that car would look better if it isn't black," "I don't like black cars," etc...
You're actually the first person that I've known to say something so extreme such as , "black on a car is horrible to the highest degree." :dunno: