Thank goodness for coilovers!


May 24, 2005
Oregon -> Arizona
I just about got in an accident today. It was a 45 mph zone, two lanes both ways with a turn lane in the middle. I was in the left lane doing between 45 and 50 mph. This Corolla (or similar sized vehicle) turns from a parking lot into the right lane, no problem.

The driver has been in the lane for only a few seconds and couldn't be going more than 30 mph and decides to change lanes right as I'm about to pass!! The speed difference was too great and I was too close already to just brake so I swerved left out of the way, into the turn lane and then into the oncoming traffic lane (it seemed the driver was trying to get to the turn lane...). I think our cars got within a foot of each other. The speed difference carried me past the other car and I honked and then went on.

I hope they remember to check their blind spot next time... :3d_frown: I think if I had stock suspension I'd have hit them.