"Ten Tips For Fearless Flying" (how to speed)


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Redding, CA
Yeah, this should probably be off-topic, but mk3's are great freeway cars so I think it's supra-related ;) I recently recieved this in an email, and I hadn't seen in since my grandfather gave me a copy when I first got my license. I routinely do long trips at 80-90mph, and these tips have helped me keep my driving record clear (a bit of thanks to traffic schools too).

The following article appeared in Car and Driver Magazine in January 1991.
The editorial department of Car and Driver has released this article for
non-commercial use on the Internet and any other electronic networks and
bulletin boards providing this disclaimer is attached. The article "Ten
Best Tips for Fearless Flying" is written by Umberto Bigone (a psuedoynm) and
the 1990 copyright and all rights to this story belong to Hachette Filipacchi

Car and Driver Online, an electronic version of the magazine, can be
found on America Online. Send E-mail to the magazine at CarAndDriv@aol.com.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Redding, CA

Speeding-ticket headaches? Dr. Bigone has just the medicine for you.
by Dr. Umberto Bigone

Umberto Bigone (bee-GO-nay) ranks as one of the world's most
enthusiastic motorists. At home here in Europe, or even in Canada, Dr.
Bigone's license is pristine and points-free, which is to say clean,
making him, statistically at least, a paragon of law-abiding propriety, a
status he has enjoyed for decades.
How, we asked Dr. Bigone, can he drive so _rapidamente_ so
regularly, while for the rest of us it's all we can do to keep our points
total below the license-threatening redline? Generously, he has
consented to share with us his ten best tips for flying on the highway
without fear. Of cops. These tips are, most of them, methods we here at
_Car and Driver_ are well acquainted with, but Dr. Bigone's unique
presentation conveys them concisely and in one highly entertaining and
easy-to-use package.

I, Dr. Umberto Bigone, lover of high velocity vehicles and of using
them in the manner that God intended, share for the first time with my
fellow enthusiasts knowledge gained over decades of experience on heavily
patrolled highways of the nation and the world. I do this free of
charge, though the evolution of my secrets came in small, incremental,
often expensive steps as new situations, new equipment, and new
measurement techniques caused my original Golden Rule ("Watch Your
Rear-View Mirror' ) to blossom into the Ten Best Ways.
As in all offers American, a disclaimer is called for: if, after you
learn these rules, you are apprehended, please do not attempt to call me
and threaten legal action. Remember that advice may be worth no more
than what you paid for it (nothing in this instance) and that Dr.
Bigone's special remedy cannot *eliminate* the risk of apprehension,
though my tips can and do dramatically reduce such risk.


You cannot hope to speed with impunity without proper equipment.
The best radar detector money can buy is a mandatory investment. But
there is more: think about the car itself. A bright red Ferrari F40 or
Lamborghini Diablo, and a bespoilered and fat-tired Mustang GT are
"ticket magnets." A nondescript Ford Aerostar, in mouse-gray- metallic,
or a powder-blue generic U.S. sedan, are largely ticket-proof. It is
sad, but the more overtly your vehicle displays the intent for high-speed
use, the less it will be capable of doing so. Perhaps this fact explains
why, in a presumably Darwinian evolution, Corvette drivers have become
slower and slower, to the point of now being tragic but amusing mobile
chicanes The answer to driving fast without resorting to a dull
automobile is the sports sedan, and fine examples abound, ranging from
the Infiniti Q45 to the Taurus SHO and the Dodge Sprint R/T. If ordered
in other than "Arrest-Me-Red", the modern sports sedan will provide many
more miles of hassle free motoring at far greater speeds than a more
"overt" vehicle. All cars may look the same to a radar gun, but radar is
not the only threat, and if you are stopped, the type of vehicle you
drive and *what it says s about your driving style* can be of decisive


This is a straightforward rule. Believe your detector, even if it
gives only a short, uncertain signal. It may well be the dreaded K-band
"instant-on" aimed at vehicles ahead of you. How often have I, hurtling
down the highway, heard the first plaintative bleat from my Escort,
pulled courteously to the right, permitted my close follower (in
disregard of Rules 5 and 6) to blast by, only to have him receive a full
dose of microwaves seconds later. This is inevitably followed by the
offensive sucking-vacuum sound of a large police cruiser rushing past the
now sanctimomously-slow Dr. Bigone. The scene ends, so sad, with a
display of flashing lights somewhere up ahead
Scanning X-band radar is falling into increasing disuse, and many
agencies are resorting to traditional seek-and-pace techniques. Or they
may sneak up behind, match your speed, and then, within range, squeeze
off a burp of instant-on to lock up the evidence. So sad, yes?
You must learn to recognize "threat" vehicles. Even though the
telltale "light bar" is increasingly absent, threat vehicles have some
common characteristics: they are almost always American, usually
full-size Fords, full-size Chevrolets, Mustang GTs, or Plymouth Gran
Furys/Dodge Diplomats. Period.
Even without light bars, you should be able to pick out these
vehicles at great distances by looking for windshield-pillar mounted
spotlights (carefully folded inward) and, more importantly, fat tires.
When approaching a suspect vehicle from the rear, look for the above cues
plus check the underside for the telltale stabilizer bar, especially on
If you think you see a well-shod white, ivory, blue, or black
Diplomat, Caprice, Mustang, or Crown Vic in your rear-view mirror, slow
down! Permit him to come closer for positive identification. The
seconds lost are meaningless and quickly regained if the possible threat
is found to be benign.
When entering a new state, take a few moments at a local gas pump to
learn what types of vehicles and what types of surveillance the
indigenous enforcement professionals use. It's time well spent.


Daytime threat-avoidance is different from night-avoidance. You see
the threat earlier, but he also sees you. (This is where the wisdom of
Rule 1 becomes apparent: Innocuous cars may pass unnoticed.)
When moving smartly in daylight hours, constantly scan your mirrors
and the road
ahead for threats. Slow when going through underpasses, for the enforcer
may be parked out of sight behind the far-side concrete. Be suspicious
of *any* vehicle parked on the inside or outside shoulder. Slow down
until you are sure it is not an enforcer. Check on-ramps as you drive by
them. Give a quick look over your right shoulder, all the way to the top
of the on-ramp to ensure that it is clean of the authorities. Monitor
your rear-view mirror constantly for any sign of unusual activity. Try
to remember cars that you pass. If, later, you see what appears to be a
possible threat vehicle far behind you and don't remember passing it,
slow down for identification. Even if you are *reasonably sure* you
passed it, if that vehicle is now *matching your speed* (not getting
smaller in your rear-view mirror), slow down for positive identification.
Proper daytime scan has saved the author as many as five times per


At night, the radar-silent enforcer is hard to see. The daytime
rules of underpass-slowing and on-ramp checking apply, but are more
difficult to execute.
The risk of moving up on an enforcer vehicle can be minimized by
learning taillights. This is largely a process of elimination: pickups,
vans, minivans, and Japanese or European vehicles are not likely to be
threats. Nor are Chevettes, Escorts, GM J-bodies, or any
front-wheel-drive vehicle. But if it looks large, or has Mustang LX
taillights, you must immediately look for folded-in spotlights and/or fat
rubber. Tragically, if these items are present, you must slow down,
though it might only be an employee of a private security service on his
way home. You can't take the chance.
The prime instrument for night driving is the rear-view mirror, and
the prime rule is to drive fast enough so that all headlights of passed
motorists reduce rapidly in size. Any pair of headlamps that maintains
the same size or the same separation between the lamps calls for
immediate deceleration pending positive identification.


You can move fast without exposing yourself, because you can usually
find a "hare" who is pleased to demonstrate that his car is better than
yours. Never attempt to dissuade him: instead, drop back to a safe
distance and enjoy the radar shield. Do maintain the rear scan, because
threat vehicles coming from behind you are now your responsibility.
Moving in a lane containing Class 8 trucks some distance ahead will
also shield your car until you pass the truck. In daylight hours, you
may choose to run at times with lights, at times without, hiding yourself
in front of a group of trucks when you change illumination. The reason
for this is that an enforcer, having "noticed" you from a long distance
back, will be looking for a certain as-yet-unidentified vehicle with
lights on (or without) as he moves quickly up through traffic. Suddenly,
he is in identifiable range of a vehicle *similar* in size and shape to
the one he believes may have been violating, only now the illumination is
different from what he saw earlier, thus rendering him unsure.
Meanwhile, you, practicing Rule 2 and 3, will have slowed to a
quasi-legal speed. This usually draws a perplexed and suspicious look
from the officer, but no pull-over order, *especially if you have removed
your radar detector from the windshield or visor.*
An integral part of deception and hiding is the placement and
removal of the detector. The unit belongs on the windshield or dash
*directly in front of you* so that a following threat vehicle cannot see
it. If you were an enforcer, would you not pursue vehicles wherein
reside little amber or green blinking lights and kinky power cords, which
can be seen from hundreds of feet away? If you believe you have been
actually "noticed" by a trailing police vehicle, hide in front of large
trucks, accelerate while under cover, and exit any off-ramp or rest area.
At this juncture, you have nothing to lose.
Any time you believe that an officer wants to close in on you,
remove the detector at once and place it on the seat next to you. If you
are in imminent danger being stopped, execute the following emergency
procedures in sequence: ( 1) remove detector and jam under seat, (2) wipe
off suction cup or other telltale mark with moistened index fingertip,
and (3) *replace the cigarette lighter!* An empty cigarette lighter
outlet is a dead giveaway to the officer that he is dealing with a
chronic but sly violator. He will treat you accordingly.


Many an otherwise-experienced and skillful motorist gets done in by
what I call "clumps." Clumps are largish groups of vehicles covering all
available lanes which move at, or close to, the posted limit. Danger
lurks, strangely enough, because the vehicles are maintaining a very safe
nose-to-tail distance, thus permitting the unsuspecting enthusiast to
carefully make his way through. Unfortunately, when he emerges at the
front of the clump, he will see a blinding array of flashing lights
overwhelming his rearview mirror. Moral: most loose clumps contain at
least one enforcer vehicle, one near the front (a marked cruiser) and
maybe one near the center, or end, checking for lane-changing and
in-and-out weaving. The latter may be unmarked, but knowledge of Rule 2
makes it a dead giveaway. There is *no* excuse for getting caught in a


Instant-on may be placed so that the violator can be "shot" just as
he crests a hill, before he has a chance to react. The crest ahead of
you may also hide a police vehicle coming in the other direction, radar
at the ready. Slow down before crests. It's safer.


The smart motorist does not alienate others. Slow to a *moderate*
speed differential when passing other motorists. (After all, one of
those benign-looking minivans may contain an off-duty officer equipped
with pen and phone.) It is also good judgment to avoid provocative
license plates such as "HI OFCR" or "SPEEDR." If I were an enforcer, I
would give no breaks to those bearing the bumper sticker, "How's my
driving Call 1-800-EAT-SHlT."


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Redding, CA

Rapid motoring is a serious business incompatible with any
simultaneous activity. Women can't conk their hair, males can't shave,
and nose-probing is out of the question for both sexes. Caressing the
passenger s fine thigh is permissible only while driving at, or near, the
posted limit. Marital arguments, discussion of offsprings' grades,
negotiations involving business - in person or on a car phone - are all
incompatible with Rules 1 through 9. The enthusiast's favorite argument
that the skilled, dedicated driver is safe at higher than average speeds
holds true *only* if he is unimpaired and totally focused on the task at


Chronic rapid driving will, statistically, get you stopped sooner or
later. Observance of Rules 1 through 9 will make it much, much later,
but not "never." The consequences of the interception depend mightily on
your behavior.
Do not act blase. A cocky stance of "Okay, so-you-got-me" is
provocative. So is attempting to argue that there must be some terrible
mistake, you know you were under the limit. Failure to remove the
detector and the suction-cup marks and to replace the cigarette lighter
will terribly
disappoint the officer.
(It is now, by the way, that you wish you hadn't ordered the Sports
Decor Pack, but this is a moot issue.)
Be courteous, candid, and contrite. Trembling while handing over
your license demonstrates that this situation is an unusual and
terrifying experience for you. It shows respect for the law and fear of
punishment. (You'll do this automatically .)
The question, "Do you have any idea how fast you were going?" should
be answered with, "Truly, I don't - my mind was wondering." (This is
accurate: You were not focusing on Rules 1 through 9!) "But I must have
been over the limit or I guess you wouldn't have stopped me." Note that
you weren't speeding *deliberately* - no "late for work" or "catch a
plane" excuses! Your attention drifted a bit, that's all, no
premeditated criminally was involved!
At this point, the officer may run a computer check on your
hopefully uninteresting driving record which, if you have been diligently
and consistently been practicing Dr. Bigone s rules, will be point-free!
The resultant action may well be (1) a warning, (2) a modest fine not
involving points, or (3) some "break" in the reported excess speed,
minimizing the points and thus limiting the damage. The author has
experienced all of these outcomes.

There you have it! May you drive enjoyably, safely, with low
insurance premiums and a good, clean driving record.

Dr. Umberto Bigone, for obvious reasons, releases no biographical

I believe it was written by Brock Yates, but am not sure....


Destroyer of Turbos
Mar 30, 2005
Plano, TX
nice write up man! gonna copy this and save to the old hd as i myself have used these but havent thought about a few of them. nice find!

edit: yea this does seem like a yates kinda peice ;) he seems to have a rather heavy foot. didnt he win the first "unofficial 1-lap" running?


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Redding, CA
edit: yea this does seem like a yates kinda peice ;) he seems to have a rather heavy foot. didnt he win the first "unofficial 1-lap" running?

Don't know if he won it, but he had no small part in putting on the cannonball runs (then switching to the One Lap format with the Cannonball became too politically incorrect)


"The Duck"
Mar 30, 2005
Knoxville, TN
Good article. Other than the stopping at a gas station in a new state thing, I already followed all of those rules through self-acquisition.:D It's really nothing more than "common sense", but since when is "common sense" common?


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
ive been running around town open downpipe since i got my rebuild running and i was on my way to a friends house, going a little over the speed limit, and i suppose the rediculously loud sound of my car made a cop want to pull me over. so in my rear view i see him pull out of where ever he was real fast right after i went by. by that time he was a few blocks back and i made a quick left onto my friends street, then flew down her driveway which is an alleyway off her street which is a main road. her driveway provided good cover, i parked inthere and killed the motor.

i would never have done that if he was close enough to actually tell me to pull over, im going to assume that he was going after some other guy and not me, so NO i did not run from the police. :D


Mr. Evergreen
Mar 30, 2005
overall badass writeup buts its mostly common sense i only have one nail in my back about it. its extremely outdated. cops dont look for us the way they used to. we made this to out smart them well that was how many years ago. they figured the whole radar detecter thing out. now a days you get pulled over with your valentine in the dash that cost you $300 and the cops know its useless. on the hardware.
update from my point of view.
use logic thats your best hardware, the radar detector is outdated and by the time it goes off asuming you have vg2 blocker, pop scanner, x, k, and ka band laser and spectrum sensory on it, its too late. by the time you sense it you've been read. at this point in time the only use for a radar detect is to challenge the officer, they go to your car and now its "did i REALLY use my radar gun to see how fast you were going or did i just guage you?" if they cant prove they used radar gun, cus you can, they cant ticket you. thats about as usefull they are now.
another thing, cops stopped using radar. its all laser now, cops hiding behind a tree w/ laser on their light bar.
even if they DID use the laser they probbably will avoid it if they can because you can still contest it so what is being done more and more now is your friend in the sky will pick two points on the highway and time your 1/4 mile to see how fast you were going based on how long it took you. by the time you see the officer he has your vehicle description and probably plates. all he has to do is give it to you. this is where having a targa top comes in handy more than once i've spotted them in the sky. usualy a cesna or chopper w/ a nice apache style pod in front.
if you want to go even DEEPER in the hardware wut i have is a handheld scanner. what you do like stated before is hit the gas station, bassicaly any mass produced ford or GM vehicle is open game for copper. the thing you want to find out first is how poor is the place, if its got booming economy then anything could be a cop car, if its a poor mountain town the cop is probably drving the same 300k mile crown vic using his gut to figure out how fast your going, sadly center states =poor, coastal rich. no offense but it works out when you think about it. take ur scanner and hang out at the gas stop log all the active frequencies in your scanner and leave it scanning. more than once i have caught them trying to catch me. it takes some practice sifting through ambulance fire and uninteresting noise disturbance crap to pick out the guys looking for speeders but it works. usualy within 20 miles of any major town is danger zone and no matter what you do or buy , asside from radar jammer, mobile emp, or the james bond cloaking device you are never guaranteed to get off scott free.
forking over $$ helps but brains work better. just trust your mirrors, look for wrap arround headlights and take tailgaters seriously. oh and dont do stupid shit. happy to see my record is clean, asside from incident totally unrelated to speeding, happy to say i have never been pulled over in supra, followed, monitered, looked at funny, but not caught, only time pulled over was in tempo cus the car itself was crap and tialights were on the fritz, cant stress this enough caution and brains work, for me atleast.


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
IJ. said:
Lagged: Good way to make their shit list!

I'd be getting an exhaust pretty soon as you can be sure you'll be targeted from now on :(!

heh i know! this week im taking the car over to the shop to have it made up for me.

honestly, open DP isnt THAT bad. you can control how loud it is. just hope you dont have to go up any steep hills while theres a cop right behind you.

its also good for annoying your neighbors at 3 in the morning.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Twin Cities, Minnesot-ah

i have ALWAYS followed these rules of driving. It don't take a genious. I have always said. Speeding is for the attentive folks. I went on a trip to OH this weekend. End up doing 85 mph on the way back from OH to MN. Not one cop stopped me or even looked at me and i passed SO many of them tagging people. I heard this before but i will post it up"

Speeding is KNOWING when and when NOT to speed. Also learning the tell tale signs of cops (at night especially i can pickup the Police interceptors about 3/4 mile away. How? PERFECTLY aligned headlights ;) ) and as the good dr. stated. Being 100% attentive to driving will save your ass :)


I have better SA than you
Mar 30, 2005
Near Columbia, the river
Pretty good guidance. The main thing is being alert ALL OF THE TIME. I just got my first ticket where I knew I was speeding (didn't know a uhaul was limited to 60 in cali :thumbsdow ) last week. I was being lazy in trailing a speeding pack in an area where EVERYONE speeds and see a stater chilling on a side road. We all kept speeding for another 1/4 mile since traffic was fairly heavy and figured we were safe. He blew by all of us 1/2 a mile later with lights going and nailed a van from the pack and jumped out in the road trying to wave us all down....everyone else kept driving but he was standing right in my lane so I got tagged. It's that time of the year I guess.


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
HAH he got out on the side of a highway and tried to wave you all down?

i would think you wouldnt even be obligated to pull over.

even doing the speed limit on the highway (lets say ~55) how the hell could you know that some psycho cop on the side of the road was waving at YOU to pull over. what an asshole.


I have better SA than you
Mar 30, 2005
Near Columbia, the river
lagged said:
HAH he got out on the side of a highway and tried to wave you all down?

i would think you wouldnt even be obligated to pull over.

even doing the speed limit on the highway (lets say ~55) how the hell could you know that some psycho cop on the side of the road was waving at YOU to pull over. what an asshole.

We actually got "hit" in a transition zone that goes from 55 to 45 and down to 40, where he made the stop.

If anyone thinks it's bad now, just wait for the USDOTs Intelligent Transportation Sytems to ramp up. http://www.its.dot.gov/vii/vii_concept.htm

There's already a lot of infrastructure laid out. OnStar is an introduction but most newer (2001 and up I think) vehicles are ready for these systems. Progressive has actually been doing a lot of development on the GPS aspect and RW testing since the late 90s. All you do with them is plug their box into your cars existing harness (suprise!) and you are "plugged in". Oh, I can't wait!! :weak:


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
anyone read an article sent in to car and driver a few issues back?

two guys were in a car driving down some california freeway and they noticed a plane over head and they knew it was gauging their speed. so they immediatly pull over UNDER an over pass, leave the keys in the ignition and get out of the car. they both stand at the back of the car and wait for the highway patrol to show up.

sure enough they do and the officer asks who was driving, they both take the 5th. since the cop didnt know who was driving, he couldnt write anyone a ticket.

this infuriated the officers but eventually they got let go and im sure were watched very carefully for the next 100 or so miles..