Temp Guauge/Heater/Aircon not working properly.


Jul 29, 2008
Hey guys, i have run into a minor problem. Driving home one freezing night i realized my heater did not work, i just put this down to the fact that the air con was not working either and left it alone, then after about a week or two of driving it i realized that even when giving it a bit of a run the engine barely got up to the half way point on the temperature gauge, by barely i mean after siting on 5000 revs for a while still didn't move off a quarter, often when I'm driving round town it is sitting on cold at the bottom of the temp gauge. Could this be tied in anyway possible to the heater not working?? I'm pretty sure that the air con needs to be re gassed and that's why it isn't working. Any help or tips would be greatly appreciated


New Member
Apr 28, 2008
North Delta
Thermostat could be stuck open. Unplug the connectors on the thermostat housing. Take out the two bolts on the housing and check your stat in a pot of water on the stove to see if it opens at the right temp.
(what I would do is just replace it anyways! doesn't hurt. cut the jiggle valve out and make sure that hole is on the top. also get a new seal)

And/or... Your heater valve on the firewall isnt opening, giving you no heat inside the car! I've had this problem before off and on.

But to me it sounds like a stuck open thermostat if your car isnt reaching operating temp. (this ALSO happened to me!)

and BTW, you will be running rich if your car isn't reaching normal operating temps, wasting more gas than needed!

Hope that helps.


Jul 29, 2008
Thank you for all your help, i will have a look at the thermostat and heater valve tomorrow if i get the chance. I shall report my findings afterwards :p
Once again thanks for your tips


Jul 29, 2008
Bad News guys, comming home from work the yesterday i lost control after swerving and went bush then come back up an embankment and got air born and jumped the road then went backwards into a fence after my tire blew out, looks like she will be off the road for awhile :(