Sorry, but Canada is just one step away from becoming a socialist state. (Actually, you guys in the Eastern part are already there.)
Watch your taxes go up, and your level of service, or return on your investment go down. (Like in the Netherlands, your taxes exceed 50% of your income, and yet if you have a problem, get in line, you might get a surgery date in a few months. SO sorry you died waiting for that surgery, here have a state paid for cremation.)
And let's make car ownership so expensive you can't afford one. Then when you need to use the train or a bus, well, we know your not a car owner, so we are going to charge you out the ass for those tickets as well.
Unless you declare your poor.
Then you get a free house.
Then you get free to spend money.
They even give you an allowance for some pot to smoke. (SO nice.)
And what has this produced? A huge amount of lazy Netherlanders who will not work because there is no benefit to working v/s just taking the dole and smoking the weed.
Just think, it's coming to Canada eh?
Lucky for you, but no thanks.