At last, some solid information, specifications & facts on the JZA80 Supra rear differential.
All information on this page refers to the JDM JZA80, export Turbo JZA80's with the 6 speed ran the B series differential with a 3.133 ratio.
All VVTi JZA80's ran an A series differential, including the 6 speed Turbo from the factory - it was never offered with a B series.
There are 2 differential sizes in the JZA80, the most common is the A series which runs a 200mm crown wheel which was found in the 2JZ-GE manual and automatic as well as the 2JZ-GTE automatic and in the manual 2JZ-GTE from 5/96 up until 7/02 when the JZA80 was no longer produced. The following ratios are available for the A series diff - 3.266, 3.769 & 4.083.
Then there is the B series which runs a 220mm crown wheel. It was found in the 6 speed 2JZ-GTE from 5/93 up until the 5/96 where it was discontinued and replaced with the smaller A series. There was only ever 2 ratios offered on the B series diff - Export JZA80's received the 3.133 whilst the JDM ran a slightly shorter 3.266 ratio.
Both of the A & B series run a Type 1 Torsen differential up until the 5/96 when the Type 2 Torsen was introduced. Information, specifications can be found in the following Technical documents from Zexel Torsen.
Torsen Type-1 Technical Sheet
Torsen Type-2 Technical Sheet
Torsen Performance Technical Sheet
Torsen LSD - Traction Control Article
B Series dimensions.
Differential Case OD 133mm
Element Gear Length 61.90mm
Spur Gear OD 36mm
Worm wheel OD 33mm
Side Shaft OD 37.80mm
Side Shaft spline count 35
A Series dimensions.
Differential Case OD 123mm
Element Gear Length 57.1mm
Spur Gear OD 33.3
Worm wheel OD 30.5mm
Side Shaft OD 33.70mm
Side Shaft spline count 30