Just got my car, and ran into a couple problems. First off, i didnt like the blue interior...so I just took the dash out. Repainted the dash black, and Im about to put it back in. Im also about to put in a gray carpet too. Before I drop in the dash again, I was planning on taking out the stock alarm, because it simply doesnt work, and I dont feel like even bothering to fix it. Searched, so I hope my research on taking it out will work. Anyways, question being. Is there anything else that I should worry about right now. I noticed that when I fill up the gas the meter still says that I only filled up to about 3/4 of a tank, Im thinking the needle is whack so I should just be able to open the cluster and just raise the needle to the top, right after I fill it up with gas. Im guessing...not sure? Im also wondering If there are any interior instrument panel changes that people have done. Im planning on just doing an LED conversion and making the whole gauge cluster white. :icon_razz Constructive feedback appreciated.