Just take out the glove box and take the 4 screws out of your ECU... Unhook the wires... I think there are 4-5 of them, not 100% as it's been a few months. Yank out of the firewall from the engine bay side. All of the plugs are in the same gen area, no more than 6" from the ECU I'd say.
Why not put on a new pan gasket? Why let RK get you? Front/main seals? If you have it down that far...
When pulling the engine out of the car w/ the trans also, jack the back of the car up put the jack stands under the subframe or something sturdy, pick the engine up so that it's got a pretty good tilt on it w/ the trans pointing down. then just lift it up and move it forward as you can.
Putting the engine back in the car is a BREEZE if you do it how I told you. Hardest part is lining up the motor mounts *which you have to do no matter what*. Some common things i forget - Ground wires, the 2 under the intake, the one on the head, the one near where the engine/trans come together on the driver side, and the one at the back of the trans x-member. AFM connector *it just slips my mind sometimes*, tightening up coolant hoses all the way, Basically all of your wiring will be done out of the car so that connectors that aren't connected are easily noticeable. :icon_razz I suppose the exhaust can kinda suck, but they always do.
You could RISK not taking the fan off, I wont promise you it will clear though, but the Radiator MUST be removed. To get the fan out, you gotta take the shroud off, take the fan nuts off, take the shroud bolts out, push the shroud against the engine, pull the fan off *don't let it hit the rad though* and pull the two out through the top together. Don't risk breaking the shroud if you have a good one. Those are high-dollar/high-demand pieces!
I've pulled engines by connecting my chain to stock bolts on the top of the block, just don't reuse those bolts, and put plety of washers on there so you dont risk pulling the bolt through your chain.
I think I'm leaving, so someone else will have to take over. If you need any help and noone replies, I'll be back on in about... 8 hours or so. :icon_bigg
Hope all that answers your questions.