taking a break from SM


Active Member
Jul 21, 2007
wiseco7mgt;1196838 said:
No matter how much you loved her or still love her remember killing her will fell great at the time but getting screwed in the ass in jail will hurt and will get old quick.

I was speaking metaphorically

Though by the sounds of it he is receiving equivalent treatment at the moment anyay.

<edit> for a nominal fee I am sure all the Supramania guys can supply a watertight alibi


Supramania Contributor
Violence, verbal or physical abuse never fixed a relationship and you will loose all your leverage with the authorities.

You mentioned the utilities are in her name and I don't think you have kids. If both of those are true your already way ahead in the game. Make plans and move out when you can. There is no shame in running home to Mama or Papa in this situation.


Enough is Never Enough
Jan 9, 2008
Houston, TX
IJ.;1196747 said:
"No matter how good a woman looks somewhere someone is sick of her shit"


Now get your arse back in the appartment. Tell her you are staying unitll you BOTH get living arrangements figured out. I'm not saying be an arse or anything of the sort. Just take care of buisiness.... which is YOUR well being.

Nothing good can come from you tucking your tail between your legs in hopes she will feel sorry for you and take you back.... That is a sign of weakness and women do not like it....

Get back into the appartment and just treat her like a cat. Ignore her. Don't sulk... Just acknowlege her presence... with a nod or two. Be gone if she is home. Hang with buddies as much as possible... BUt don't drag them down... They will be saying the same thing we are saying... Move on... But on your terms and not hers.

And of course, if you are lying to us and yourself, and you are an abusive person, then I will jump ship and drop support.... We are only hearing one side of this story....

Good luck,,, Love bites....


Im From The Bay
Mar 14, 2007
Santa Rosa, California
thanks for the words guys..i called her today and told her im going to come get the rest of my shit and ill be taking my name off of the lease. Im staying with a good friend for now, but still 2 hrs away from work..trying to sell stuff till i get paid and i can support myself again.

The one thing that was most shitty about all this, is she was really putting space between us, dodge my kisses, and argued all the time. she worked graveyard and i worked normal dayshift so we saw eachothe not very often.

I do realize she probly just wants to go around and flirt and do shit or whatever.. but i dont care now. if she broke up with me, why's it worth my time to be sad or try to get back with her.

Sure ill still be sad, but i feel alot better today.

Thanks guys.


( . )( . )'s RULE!!!!
May 12, 2006
Jackson, MO
Sorry to hear about this bro, sucks to see a good person going through hard times, the economy is in shambles, lots of stress causing familys to break apart all over. Now on a legality note, she cannot just kick you out, that is in fact illegal, unless your hitting her or something criminal of that nature she can't just tel you to pound sand, and furthermore making you homeless is not a step towards being best friends.

None of my business but it sounds to me like this is an unrecoverable situation, you however should not be homeless, broke and such justb ecause out of the blue she wants to be single again (to me it sounds like infidelity or the desire to screw around, just my thoughts from that statement on why).

I'm not trying to sound cold, far from it but you have to cover your 6 before you worry about anyone else, life is a cold tough bitter place and being nice will get you screwed, throwing you out of theh ome you partially if not fully pay for is flat out WRONG!!

Good luck to you sir, I hope things get better for you.



I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
Once your gone is when they realized they fucked up.

People these days make me fuckin sick, Seems no one or very true can stick with someone for more than a few months/years.

Here is some advice, take everything she says with a grain of salt.
When she wants you back, and she will, make sure she tells you everything, then you can decide whether or not you want to be back with her and whether or not she is worth it.

Anyone who cheats on someone should be fuckin shot. Weak ass will powered scum of this fuckin earth. Male or Female.


Im From The Bay
Mar 14, 2007
Santa Rosa, California
D34DC311;1196957 said:
Anyone who cheats on someone should be fuckin shot. Weak ass will powered scum of this fuckin earth. Male or Female.

i agree.. cheating can be the worst pain ever felt.. its happened to me and it sucks. im going to talk to her a little bit today when i get the rest of my shit


Jul 10, 2005
None of your fucking business
D34DC311;1196957 said:
Anyone who cheats on someone should be fuckin shot. Weak ass will powered scum of this fuckin earth. Male or Female.

Dude, for the last time she came onto me. She said I have at least 4" on you too. Something to think about.

OP: Move back in and forget about her. Start bringing home girls, she figure it out. Sounds like you're pretty young judging by using the word "soulmate". Go on E harmony, there are probably 50 more soulmates out there for you.


Supramania Contributor
Aug 15, 2005
Naples, FL
ah yes, breaking up and getting the boot. My husband scammed me and my best friend out of our house, and then cheated on me... my best friend and I were left to wander around, living in a 2 seater 280zx for months. Definitely an interesting time in my life.

I thought my world was over. It has taken me getting back together with him to realize my world wasn't over, and to realize that I no longer loved him. So I dumped him and moved the fuck out.

Fuck relationships


dirty mechanic
Aug 12, 2007
The one thing that was most shitty about all this, is she was really putting space between us, dodge my kisses, and argued all the time. she worked graveyard and i worked normal dayshift so we saw eachothe not very often.
Dodging kisses normally means she's kissing someone else, time for you to find an innocent rich girl and move in..

Dr Chill

4 hungry Supras
Nov 27, 2007
Tanya;1197001 said:
ah yes, breaking up and getting the boot. My husband scammed me and my best friend out of our house, and then cheated on me... my best friend and I were left to wander around, living in a 2 seater 280zx for months. Definitely an interesting time in my life.

I thought my world was over. It has taken me getting back together with him to realize my world wasn't over, and to realize that I no longer loved him. So I dumped him and moved the fuck out.

Fuck relationships

Im in the same boat & feel the same way ... but not the Husband part


Active Member
Jul 21, 2007
kwnate;1196999 said:
Dude, for the last time she came onto me. She said I have at least 4" on you too. Something to think about.

OP: Move back in and forget about her. Start bringing home girls, she figure it out. Sounds like you're pretty young judging by using the word "soulmate". Go on E harmony, there are probably 50 more soulmates out there for you.

Did this make you her Ride Of The Year?


brian L.
Mar 12, 2007
North Jersey
Don't worry bro it will all get better weather you get back with her or you find somone new or you just get over the whole thing by yourself things will get a lot better.But it's going to get worse befor it gets better.But I do have to say don't sell your supra because if thats your other love than you could be left with nothing for awhile and you need somthing to keep you busy/happy.

so good luck and well all be here to help you.


Supramania Contributor
Sep 30, 2005
Clearwater, MN
Man I am in the same boat as you are, but things are just the other way. I kicker my GF out of my house just so I can find out who I am again. Is there some one else......nope, I am just sick of same old, same old. Did I put my self in a financial hardship, yep you dam right I did. I am now $700+ a month down on monthly bills. But I will (same as you) will get through this. Maybe things will work out, maybe things wont, but it is for the best at this time. Granted at this point your drive to work is 20X more then mine, but use this time to reflect on what has all been said and done. If you see things that remind you of her, change your route to work, do not do the norm. Change the cd player / iPod, change the radio to a new station, ect.

Even though I can not really afford my supra in my garage (even though it is pd. for) and I could use the moneys else ware if I sold it, but I am not ever going to sell it. The bank can have my house, caddy, and other toys before I ever sell the supra. The supra brings a smile to my face and is a feel good thing, just like yours. Money is tight, but it is also tight for 75&#37; of other americans. You will get through this and ONLY time will heal a broken heart. Trust me I have been through this before.

Now since you live in Cali, I know for a fact there is tons of beautiful women out there (unlike us here in MN.) When you fell up to it(and have the cash) start going out, I dont care if it is to a local dive bar, but go out. DO NOT carry a sad face, broken heart, ect. in there. Walk in like nothing is wrong and just spark a conversation with any random person in there. Shit just start talking to the bartender, they have nothing else better to do ;)

I will end my book on this, women like to see confidence, not a broken heart, or a sad person. It is ok to show your feelings to her, but not the whole world. Carry your self as high as you can and feel good about things, and life even if there not. Keep your head up (not looking for change) and smile, it is your million dollar asset. Also stick with the SM community, there are TONS of great people here willing to help out when they can and have great advice. You just have to listion to them.

The best of luck to you bud!

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Dec 3, 2003
This is a small detour really. Some women come and go but when you find the right one that was meant for you, it will be forever!

kwnate;1196999 said:
OP: Move back in and forget about her. Start bringing home girls, she figure it out. Sounds like you're pretty young judging by using the word "soulmate". Go on E harmony, there are probably 50 more soulmates out there for you.

I do like this idea too. LOL It reminds me of that movie the Break up that my wife and I watched.



New Member
Aug 12, 2005
Columbia, S.C>
Just like everyone said before, time will heal all. Its going to suck for a while, but dude its so worth letting an extra anchor go in your life. Take it from me dude, my GPA dropped from a 3.8 to a 2.5 in two semesters! Changed my life forever, but now my GPA is steadily coming back up and I now realize she wasn't worth it. I found someone new and we have been going for 4.5 yrs. and have been living together for 5 of those months. Planning or proposing next month with a custom ring!

I would say good luck but but thats for those who may have a chance. It seems like you have some good friends, just make sure they give you a swift kick when you need it!


New Member
Jul 18, 2008
Spring TX
I like how it varies so much from person to person, some people tell you to man up, some tell you to hang in there you will be together, some tell you there are lots of other people out there for you...

In my case I broke the lease on my apartment kicked both of us out back to our parents house (im still young too =D, the good thing about that is you have time to build your cred back up)
My job performance has increased 100&#37; Recieved a 25% pay increase and promotion! Just worry about gettin' yo paper right now son. not sellin your car or anything but work hard dont worry about bitches we are still way to young for that man...Just do work =D lol I hope that helps.
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