I was driving to the dmv to get the supra registered. I stopped at the supermarket to pick up some of those hand held chicken pies for lunch. I was easing out of the driveway to make a right turn. Suddenly I heard a loud bang!! and then I saw a tiny man flying off his bike. I turned off my car and then quickly jumpped out of my car and called the police. I took a close look at the bicyclist, he was moaning in complete pain. I can see that he had a brusied up left eyebrow ridge and a light scratch on his left under eye area. He had his hand over his left ribcage and I assumed he broke some bones. When the ambulence arrived and did a complete body examination he ended up with just brusies on his eyebrow ridge and rib area. He was sent away to a local hospital and I was then questioned. I was making a right turn into a one way street. The speed limit was about 40-45 mph I eased out of the driveway looked to my left and then to the right and then back to the left. I gave my car some juice and thats when the accident occured. The biker was riding on the sidewalk and agaisnt oncoming traffic. The police officer told me these accidents happen all the time, the bicyclist was clearly not riding where he should have been. Has anything like this happened to you or a friend? I was scared shitless when all this happened, I thought I killed someone! :aigo::aigo::aigo:
oh btw who the hell is going to pay for all those scratches on my car?? I only have liability on this car.
oh btw who the hell is going to pay for all those scratches on my car?? I only have liability on this car.