*since there is not a general (all) Supras or non-regional event subforum, im putting this here in the most active one
mods, feel free to move and or sticky
Oct 6th-8th 2022, Las Vegas NV
Thursday Oct 6th – Road Course, LVMS
All day racing on the 2.7mi long road course, drivers meeting time TBD Thursday AM
Friday Oct 7th - Show & Shine and Drag Racing, LVMS
Drags – 12-2pm SUPRAS ONLY closed track for us
2pm – 8pm open track where other racers will be joining us
Show & Shine – 12pm – 8 pm
Located in the pits at LVMS while Drag Racing is happening
Saturday Oct 8th - SIV BBQ + Awards, Veterans memorial park, Boulder City
12pm – 5pm Scenic Cruise will take place in the morning on the way to Boulder City.
Basic Registration grants you access to all events +1 guest. This includes admission to the pits on Thursday to watch Road Course Racing, Show & Shine and Drag Racing spectating, and the BBQ/Awards.
Packages for either or both racing events are also available in the registration site if you are participating
Registration - www.suprasinvegass.com
Hotel - Welcome to SUPRAS IN VEGAS 2022 at Excalibur
Costs have gone up…… like everything lately. I’m not fully privy or here to explain or defend that but what I do know: The location, food and everything in general has gone up since last years event. Sponsor contributions have also been increased to offset some of that but unfortunately entry had to go up as well. It’s still cheap for a 3 day event and the Racing is VERY affordable compared to most track days.
Additional Disclaimer: I am not running or planning the event, I am just a sponsor doing my part to contribute as much as I physically can for the community. Part of that is assisting with communication to make sure everyone is as in the loop as possible. I love this community and want everyone to be included, informed and be able to come together to have fun doing what we love.

Oct 6th-8th 2022, Las Vegas NV
Thursday Oct 6th – Road Course, LVMS
All day racing on the 2.7mi long road course, drivers meeting time TBD Thursday AM
Friday Oct 7th - Show & Shine and Drag Racing, LVMS
Drags – 12-2pm SUPRAS ONLY closed track for us
2pm – 8pm open track where other racers will be joining us
Show & Shine – 12pm – 8 pm
Located in the pits at LVMS while Drag Racing is happening
Saturday Oct 8th - SIV BBQ + Awards, Veterans memorial park, Boulder City
12pm – 5pm Scenic Cruise will take place in the morning on the way to Boulder City.
Basic Registration grants you access to all events +1 guest. This includes admission to the pits on Thursday to watch Road Course Racing, Show & Shine and Drag Racing spectating, and the BBQ/Awards.
Packages for either or both racing events are also available in the registration site if you are participating
Registration - www.suprasinvegass.com
Hotel - Welcome to SUPRAS IN VEGAS 2022 at Excalibur
Costs have gone up…… like everything lately. I’m not fully privy or here to explain or defend that but what I do know: The location, food and everything in general has gone up since last years event. Sponsor contributions have also been increased to offset some of that but unfortunately entry had to go up as well. It’s still cheap for a 3 day event and the Racing is VERY affordable compared to most track days.
Additional Disclaimer: I am not running or planning the event, I am just a sponsor doing my part to contribute as much as I physically can for the community. Part of that is assisting with communication to make sure everyone is as in the loop as possible. I love this community and want everyone to be included, informed and be able to come together to have fun doing what we love.