Thank you everyone for your nice comments! It means alot to me. I'd like to start off by thanking bobiseverywhere for his hard work and determination in seeing this program through. I look forward to next year, and I hope more people get involved.
Congratulations to Rajunz and Suprahero making it to the finals, You guys have awesome cars and its an honor to be seated next to you two in the finals. To the rest of the entries, you all deserved to be here and I hope you guys use this as motivation to come back even stronger.
A big thanks to the moderators for chipping in for the shirt and calender! You guys are sweet.
Thank you to
Titan Motorsports, and
MVP motorsports for your support of this competition.
I also need to mention Horsepowerfreaks, they really came through for me last year and I'm am truely grateful for that. I will get them to sponser a month
The most special thanks goes to my girlfriend Angela (don't ask for pics, she's too hot for the internet

) She has put up with my car crap and only 3 or 4 times has given me shit :biglaugh: But I love her to death and she is very supportive even though she doesn't care:icon_bigg
Thanks to Ron Ramirez (jt2ma71), Duane ("down"gradedsupra), and Tom (91t Breezin') You're help and friendship have ment alot to me and I look forward to the day when we can all go for a cruise!