Supra vandalized


Sep 15, 2006
Versailles (Lex) Ky
GotTurbos? said:
Dude... who keeps their pink slip in the car? That one is your fault IMO... theft sucks but don't keep things in your car that are that important.

I wasn't expecting it all to happen like it did. I was planning to take it all out when it was 100% road worthy.

They should have at least left the tires :cry:

No crying over spilled milk, I needed new tires anyway. Now to find the money for new ones? I don't know where. I'm using the money I got for 89+ tails today :naughty:


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
Let me try make some lemonade out this. They slashed only one tire, rid you of your stock radio, and tore your already in bad shape armrest up. You got out very lucky. They could have taken out all the glass, all 4 tires, and completely destroyed your interior, but they didn't. Count your blessings. This was the work of extreme amateurs, probably some local kids. I know you're mad as hell and want to kill somebody and I understand that, I would be too, but just think of how much worse it could have been. Good luck. You can add this incident to your bag of life experiences. Learn from it.