Just a quick post before bed, Three different sample T's on their way! (plus a couple of possible surprises) should be here by the end of the week hopefully. Sorry no size confirmations yet because there are three different cuts. BUT this is a good thing because I can choose the best cut and quality
Updated list!
01) Requiem +Australian Peeps
02) Poodles - ?ink on ?shirt
03) JustinGotA1j - Black ink on White shirt (North american XL)
04) D34DC311 - Black ink on White shirt
05) Black87turbo - ?ink on ?shirt
06) giterboosted - ?ink on ?shirt
07) Boostinsupragirl
08) Forcedtorque - Black ink on Red shirt
09) SWD_Fredester_3 - Black ink on grey/white Shirt
10) SupraOfDoom - Black ink on grey Shirt or white on black
11) Foreverpsychotic - Black ink on grey Shirt
12) 91supran/a - White ink on Black Shirt
13) ms07s - White Ink on black/grey
14) tsuper92- black ink on red shirt
15) surferofthesnow - ? white ink on black shirt
16) Supra Andrew- White ink on black shirt XL
17) Silent Deatz - ? ink on ? shirt
18) Brady - White ink on black shirt
19) SteveN - ? ink on ? shirt
20) Gilsdorf- White ink on black shirt & Black ink on white shirt
21) The Dude - ? ink on ? shirt - Will contact later RE colour on black
22) TheNewRed - Black ink on red shirt
23) Annoying Rob - White ink on black shirt
24) Rmk3turbo - Black ink on Red shirt
I'm really sorry if I've missed someone or something! I'll be on again in the next day or two with some more replies and updates!