Really, he visited my house.
This is what I posted on on his posting in Nov that he was being assigned to Tacoma. That guy at the door might be a Supra owner.
This is what I posted on on his posting in Nov that he was being assigned to Tacoma. That guy at the door might be a Supra owner.
Sighting! Bump! And Small World.
I was about to go out for my afternoon run on St Patrick’s Day about 4:30PM when I heard my metal screen door rattle. Hmm, most folks don’t see the white doorbell next to the door (opposite side as the doorknob in my old house). I open the door and am glad I have a heavy-duty locked metal screen door as well as on the other side are two Elders of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints (LDS) – cough, Mormon missionaries. After I said I wasn’t interested one of them asked if I was on celica supra dot com. My response was, “I know of you, you are from California.” I had two Supras in front of the house that afternoon including the garage queen (normally neither of these cars would have been in front). Yes, Elder P**** is Black_83.
I then froze my rear off for the next 30-minutes (I was dressed for a run, not standing in the cold wind) talking about Supras and showing off the 42K mile garage queen (their missionary car has more miles apparently). I did ask where the local stake house was, and which ward. They got the idea I knew more about their religion than average.
Anyways, Brandon got a pic in front of the garage queen, and his fellow Elder got to see the cars. He didn’t get corrupted by rabidchimp as he didn’t arrive at my place until 2 hours later . I probably should have offered to let him drive one but wasn’t sure what he was allowed to do. I didn’t show him the stash of Supra parts either in my shop. I filled him in on the local scheduled meets.
I’m joking about the Mormons a bit above; I grew up in the West and my high school was ~ 25% LDS and I have lived in towns 75% LDS. I respect their religion as an organization and have zero desire to convert. (They don't need another Glen Beck, LOL).