Supra makes wierd rattling noise after 3000 rpm on every gear HELP!


boost'en down 101
Oct 27, 2007
humboldt, ca
when i got rod knock it was only on one rod. it fucked up the journal though. when you have a rod knock that shit doesn't just start loud. it slowly builds up. eventually in sounds like rocks are in you engine. here is a clip of my car after about a month of a quiet knock, knock. then KNOCK, KNOCK. dam i hate that sound. i could only hear mine when it wasn't under much of a load. i drove the shit out of that motor till literally it sounded like the rod was dangling on. you can here it right at beginning. i though my supra was so fast then too. :rofl:


boost'en down 101
Oct 27, 2007
humboldt, ca
i found the pics of my crank. this is what mine looked like after the biggest beating you could give a rod journal. i had to pick off the cushed bearing. i'm sure if you pulled it appart it would be fine. i'm still not covinced you even have rod knock. i want to hear the noise.




i am pretty sure it is a rod knock because i took it to like 3 shops and alotta mechanics came by to hear it and they told me all the same thing, but they said that lil fiasco turn my friend shouldnt have done it. He probally snapped something or messed up something else which led to that because at first the noise wasnt as bad as now. Well i'll try to get up a video as soon as possible, I'm not that mad because my friend told me he was going to cover everythign so right now i aint really tripping. So should IF it really is the rod bearings and its a rod knock should i get that fixed or just with a new engine.. maybe 1jzgte? instead of 7mgte because the 1j does push more. Well let me know guys cuhz im not the one paying for it ;]


Formerly 'Down but not out'
Jun 14, 2005
Things to check before you go taking the engine out, crank pully bolt is tight, cam gears are tight, flywheel/flexplate is tight if any one of these things are loose they can exhibit the same sound as rod knock.


who said i was ripping off my friend? hes the one taking responsibility for it and told me he was going to cover up to 2gs in whatever i needed to do to fix it.


boost'en down 101
Oct 27, 2007
humboldt, ca
good call to down but not out. i want to hear this noise. i'm not covinced that doing some doughtnuts in a parking lot with 5 quarts will give him instant rodknock. i'm telling you man. when you have early rod knock you should only hear it between about 2500-3500 at light throttle. then past those rpm there is to much load on the bearing for it to slap around. even at light throttle. this is all before the thing really goes. after 3 months of that light knock when my car really went no mater what you do. it is the most worst sound a motor can make. makes me cringe to think about it. i think since the motor was recently apart something might be a little loose or didn't get torqued down as mention above.


Official SM Expert: Motor Oil, Lubricants & Fil
SM Expert
Feb 10, 2006
Valley of the Sun
It depends on how much oil was really in the pan. Uncovering the pick-up at mid to high RPM will toast one or more bearings in a heartbeat.

It's not an absolute though...perhaps the pick-up remained submerged. I'd explore other causes before I pulled the motor (or the pan). A mechanics stethoscope would be handy ;)


1UZ for me!
May 18, 2007
fredericksburg, va
does the noise happen when you gas it, or when its revving down from 3K+, every supra rod knock I have heard only occurs when revving down. Hell, every rod knock I have ever heard was that way.

Well, developing ones anyway. If its torched, could be a different story.


New Member
Feb 18, 2007
Brampton, Ontario
mannn I have the exact same problem. I payed a lot for mine because it was in really good condition but unfortunately I have a really stupid father. He took my keys one day and just started to rev the car and I heard the noise once I was out of the shower. I ran outside and there was smoke EVERYWHERE and my mom told me he was doing it for over ten minutes and when I heard it it was realllllly loud too so I'm guessing it was at high RPM too. Then I took a look at it after the smoke was gone and the big thick hose on the radiator was off and it sprayed coolant all over the engine bay which I had to clean off. After that it has started and idled just fine so I haven't really worried about it but I JUST started it today and revved it and the second it gets close to 3k rpm it rattles like crazyyy. Does anyone have any idea what this might be or is there a good chance that its rod knock?

edit:actually I'll just make my own thread guys I don't want to hijack this one. Please reply to me there if you have any helpful input.