That sucks bad!
This has got to be at least the third or fourth thread I've seen in a week where someone hit a pole, someone hit and ran in parking lot, not seeing the persons car in front of you and adding it to the top of yours. It makes me fearful to even start my car.
did you hit his back end or something? I'm trying to make a picture in my head, but by by what I see, it looks more like you made a left turn into him....
Actually, it occurred to me you were probably going down the road and he was making a left going the other way and hit your side? I've been in a similar accident that's why I ask, but I was the one turning left. The light had changed and I didn't want to be in the middle of the intersection anymore. but this tard going the other way flat out ran the red light and I hit his back left end.
I wish you the best of luck though.