well my 92 has sun roof witch never work well i got sick of it so it was time to pop the head liner down ( ps fucken lazy wind shiled glazers glued my head liner grrrr made it even more fun lucky i had my buddiey helping me :icon_evil )
any ways this took us 5 hours to do :nono:
well any ways it truns up some dork tighten down the motor and but the caseing thought we were home free and it whould no nope no relized thsou cables were sezied in there good :cry:
but i had a trick up my sleav that use al the time for this type pof shit like abs sencers on nuckles and frozen sun roof's ect
Brake fulid :love:
just porded some in the tubes let it have some beer 3 beer later wheil adding more fliud letgin it drip out brown rust clours fluid yummy
grab the track yae it fucken moved sweet other one moved as as well
well it was work in time time to use thous skills of masterbation back when i was a kid :arcadefre
well slap on the motor got car batie and it moved still was kidna sticky
so wipe out the white lithum greash and greased the fuck out of cable and slider and ralies so now it's smoother by 10 fold
slap it all back in and it all works
now the only bad part is that motor is tired cause it was used so much when the fucker was rusted to shit so ti will have to be replaced :cry: 321 bucsk for freakign motor each cable cost 210 and there is 2 of them
so it works saved my self some money
all remmber brake fuild is the best pentraling oil based shit ever that or air toll oil is good too but not as good as brake fulid
just do put ti on paint and is so put water on it right away
any ways this took us 5 hours to do :nono:
well any ways it truns up some dork tighten down the motor and but the caseing thought we were home free and it whould no nope no relized thsou cables were sezied in there good :cry:
but i had a trick up my sleav that use al the time for this type pof shit like abs sencers on nuckles and frozen sun roof's ect
Brake fulid :love:
just porded some in the tubes let it have some beer 3 beer later wheil adding more fliud letgin it drip out brown rust clours fluid yummy
grab the track yae it fucken moved sweet other one moved as as well
well it was work in time time to use thous skills of masterbation back when i was a kid :arcadefre
well slap on the motor got car batie and it moved still was kidna sticky
so wipe out the white lithum greash and greased the fuck out of cable and slider and ralies so now it's smoother by 10 fold
slap it all back in and it all works
now the only bad part is that motor is tired cause it was used so much when the fucker was rusted to shit so ti will have to be replaced :cry: 321 bucsk for freakign motor each cable cost 210 and there is 2 of them
so it works saved my self some money
all remmber brake fuild is the best pentraling oil based shit ever that or air toll oil is good too but not as good as brake fulid
just do put ti on paint and is so put water on it right away
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