I really just don't understand. I put walbro number 5 in yesterday, and it failed me today. This has all been within 3 weeks. I've checked voltage going to the fuel pump, and cleaned the tank. I got the rust out the tank by throwing in a bunch of bolts and two gallons of muratic acid. I let it soak for several hours as well as shook it around multiple times. I then washed it out with water for about an hour. I rinsed with gas 10-15 times after that. The tank is now rust free other than the occasional spec here and there.
I've changed the fuel filter three times. The strainers on these pumps are not coming out dirty. I have 10 gauge wire running from battery to pump with the stock wiring triggering a relay to it.
Here is how it is failing. The car runs fine for a while, 16 psi running 11.5 a/f ratios. When the pump starts failing I start seeing around 12.5 afrs. Then it gets leaner and leaner until the car goes 17-1 afr off boost @ 10 inches of vac going up a hill.
I just don't get it. What am I doing wrong? The entire time the pump keeps getting louder and louder.
I've changed the fuel filter three times. The strainers on these pumps are not coming out dirty. I have 10 gauge wire running from battery to pump with the stock wiring triggering a relay to it.
Here is how it is failing. The car runs fine for a while, 16 psi running 11.5 a/f ratios. When the pump starts failing I start seeing around 12.5 afrs. Then it gets leaner and leaner until the car goes 17-1 afr off boost @ 10 inches of vac going up a hill.
I just don't get it. What am I doing wrong? The entire time the pump keeps getting louder and louder.