stupid jpegs upload from camera really big...(mb wise, not pic size)


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
I have a sony 8mp digicam and when i upload pics the 8mp res. ones usually average around 3-4 mb per pic! some are as low as 2 depending on the content but i noticed something silly...

i'll open a 3mb pic in MS paint and hit save to overwrite with paint's version and i get what i see as an identical picture but a MUCH lower file size less than one megabyte...whats up?

am i not noticing the degraded detail? or maybe MS paint has a compression thats better than the compression on the image my camera uploads? maybe my camera uploads with no compression?

somebody's gotta know.

and a fix would be nice to. i love how my camera uploads, it's perfect...and fast. the size just sucks. and i cant go through every photo i want to do something with and open it with paint to compress it.


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
ok. thanks. yeah i was thinking that but then i tried comparing two and i cant see the difference when i switch back and forth. i'll have to get two up side by side and see.

i'd like to keep the quality. but i will try my normal setting. i've had it on 'fine' so i'm sure thats part of it.

i just remembered that MS paint does use a funny compression because if you save a pic drawn in paint in bitmap v.s. jpeg the jpeg gets smeared on color transitions...

thanks guys.