Stupid-ass honduhhhh driver...


Supra =
Aug 19, 2005
Downey, California, United States
okay, so i'm driving, and this guy in a lowered Honduh Accord pulls up next to me at a light, and he's like challenging me, and revving and everything. So
I was like, "I'll show him who's bossss...." lol, so we start, and he has like 1 car ahead of me, and then my turbo starts spooling, and I'm going to fly past him, and as I'm accelerating, he turns sharply into my lane (for no reason at all, there were NO other cars around), almost causing an accident, all i have to say is its a good thing I had ABS, or I would have another crashed Supra!! I couldn't believe the wrecklessness of this guy, he was willing to do whatever it took so that I didn't pass him, even putting his car on the line. After that I was like "this guy's crazy" and I backed off. What do you guys make of this stupid display?



New Member
May 13, 2005
yea i would of kept on the throttle :D pushed the bastard back into his lane.. his car would of been written off, and u would of needed ur bumper touched up :)


Breaking In - in progress
Mar 30, 2005
Northern California
:biglaugh: Yep, you get stupid fucks like him who would do stupid things to win...
Should have given him a small jolt to his back bumper to scare the fuck out of him and then pass him and give him the flying bird...



Supra =
Aug 19, 2005
Downey, California, United States
you know what??? come to think of it a guy in a mkiii did the exact same thing to me about a week ago!!! except he actually flashed his blinker for a second, but It was basically the same thing, he didn't want to let me pass!! and from the looks of the Supra, he could have totally beat me... i don't understand these people!!???!


Active Member
Oct 12, 2005
Colorado Springs
A long time ago I was driving home in rush hour (in my daily). Traffic was moving at about 50ish (slow for here) and bumper to bumper. This "red neck" in his Grand Am with nascar stickers all over it came haulin threw traffic behind me, cutting everyone off and what not. This is not an odd thing to happen, but he came up on my ass a wiped over beside me on my drivers side.

I guess he wasn't watching where he was going because there was an 18 wheeler in that lane, the rear of its trailer was right at my front bumper. So what does this guy do? Comes over FAST into my lane right at my door, so I wipp over onto the shoulder of the road. But wait, whats this, I'm heading straight into a guard rail at 50 mph. (we where coming up to a bridge) So I said hell no, and turned right back at him and floored it. Slammed him good. (I was not found at fault BTW)


New Member
May 11, 2005
man i hate those kind of people :icon_mad: , but in my case it was a one lane road and the guy came to a complete stop for no reason so i got pissed and went into the on coming traffic lane to pass him (there was no one in that lane BTW) and he was pissed and was riding my ass for a bit until i brake checked him then when i was making my turn this foo threw a pennie at me and hit my back window :icon_mad: (no damage but pissed me off). god i hate red necks in trucks :icon_evil

boost PSSH boost

SM's Welding Guru
Apr 4, 2005
Marshall, WI
I had some douche in a chevy truck cut me off, then move back into his own lane. He had his window open. I had a large Hi-C from McDonalds in hand.

"eyes on the road jackass!"

"Fuck you!"

"......" *throws Hi-C into his truck and speeds away*



I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
who was it on here that someone threw a cigaret in their car, so the sped up and chucked the contints of the ashtray(coilholder) out the window onto the truck. LOL
these are great, but yes people these days cant drive for shit.


Sep 17, 2005
heh, that happened to me once, i was driving down a 2 lane rd, and a guy in a beetle pulls up next to me and flicks me off for no reason and got real close to my supra and was like get that foriegn piece of shit outta here i looked confused for a sec and he threw a bunch of change at me and hit my car. damn bastart chipped my paint(i was in the left lane, he was in the right lane rite next me) so i wipped the wheels towards him to scare him, oh the look on his face when he drove up the curb and hit a speed limit sign goin about 35-40 mph :naughty: i just drove on like nothin happend, he deserved it :biglaugh:


shaeff is FTMFW!
Mar 30, 2005
MA, 01440
This is a great thread! I love all of these stories... Jimi, boost PSSH boost, and madsupra88, those are all awesome!!! Sometimes a little vigilante justice is indeed in order.


Apr 4, 2005
Santa Clarita
ORRRRRRR you just don't street race. I dunno seems logical to me. I race my shadow more than anything. An open road is usually a safe road, and it's not an open road if there's a car next to you.


Supra =
Aug 19, 2005
Downey, California, United States
No, this guy didn't just need to get into my lane, he swerved sharply, and quickly got over two lanes and drove like nothing happened!!! HE did it to be a dick, I could have done a lot of damage if I didn't have ABS:nono: ... Man, what an idiot...


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
Heh... I've got a few to add to this.

Fellow I work with tossed a McDonalds milkshake at some asshat's passenger window in traffic once, 'cause the guy was being a jerk. Little did he realize that the guy had that window rolled down...

My best man at my wedding once ran into a problem on a local bridge. There is an exit that peels off the bridge several stories up, then crosses over the main bridge. He's headed for the exit in his classic VW bug (which had a 5 speed transmission and about 250 horses in back) when this dumbass comes howling up alongside the lineup for the exit and tries to cut over. My buddy is having none of this, so he guns it and stays RIGHT next to the guy. The asshat is purple faced in anger, screaming out the window... right up until he piled into those big yellow safety cans at 60 mph. My bud just kept driving, nothing even touched HIS car. :D

And my personal story... there is a tunnel near my house, runs under the fraser river. Two lanes each way, and divided. I'm driving through the tunnel in traffic, and my lane is slowly passing a dump truck fully loaded with another trailer on the back. When I get up next to the dump truck, I can see that there is nothing in the lane in front of him... but it's illegal to change lanes in the tunnel, and traffic is moving ok, so I figure whatever, life will go on. At this point, I notice that the moron behind me in a minivan is tailgating me bigtime, and as I pull further in front of the truck, he cuts over HARD. He almost made it, too, by the looks of things just the rear bumper caught the front of the truck. The truck slams his brakes, to no avail... fully loaded, this thing must weigh a shitload - he locks up all the wheels and still flips the minivan sideways, then rolls it like a soccer ball in front of him for at least 100 yards. All I can see in my rear view is a tumbling shape about the size of a minivan with all the paint sanded off by the concrete roadway and a shitload of tire smoke. I hear everyone lived, which is a testament to the safety of minivans ... and the stupidity of their drivers.