okay, so i'm driving, and this guy in a lowered Honduh Accord pulls up next to me at a light, and he's like challenging me, and revving and everything. So
I was like, "I'll show him who's bossss...." lol, so we start, and he has like 1 car ahead of me, and then my turbo starts spooling, and I'm going to fly past him, and as I'm accelerating, he turns sharply into my lane (for no reason at all, there were NO other cars around), almost causing an accident, all i have to say is its a good thing I had ABS, or I would have another crashed Supra!! I couldn't believe the wrecklessness of this guy, he was willing to do whatever it took so that I didn't pass him, even putting his car on the line. After that I was like "this guy's crazy" and I backed off. What do you guys make of this stupid display?
I was like, "I'll show him who's bossss...." lol, so we start, and he has like 1 car ahead of me, and then my turbo starts spooling, and I'm going to fly past him, and as I'm accelerating, he turns sharply into my lane (for no reason at all, there were NO other cars around), almost causing an accident, all i have to say is its a good thing I had ABS, or I would have another crashed Supra!! I couldn't believe the wrecklessness of this guy, he was willing to do whatever it took so that I didn't pass him, even putting his car on the line. After that I was like "this guy's crazy" and I backed off. What do you guys make of this stupid display?