Stumped with high idle need help?


Official SM Expert: Motor Oil, Lubricants & Fil
SM Expert
Feb 10, 2006
Valley of the Sun
Yeah...I think you might be right JJ.
I'm off to have a "chat" with a bright young man about his future in the USAF ;)


Ninja Editor 'Since 05'
Jul 24, 2005
if you were messing with the p/s did you connect the powersteering vsv? wouldnt suggest it if i haven't seen it :D on a car that had a broken one and just connected the pre tb line to the post tb line causing high idle ;)


나는 제프가 당신을 사랑
Aug 16, 2005
North Vernon, IN
I have seen both the high idle and the engine almost dieing problem myself at one point.

Just something else to think about here.

My high idle problem was that my thermostat was stuck open so the engine would never reach full operating temperature. Check and make sure you have one and that its working correctly.

The engine almost dieing problem was cause by a crappy BOV like you have. I had switched from stock to something like yours and it would die all the time after letting off the gas. I switched back to stock and all was good again. I then later got a HKS style and have had no problems with. I have also seen one other people have the exact same problem.

Just my 2 cents after reading through most of this thread.


Supramania Contributor
Jan 13, 2008
Northeast Philly
super7mgtepower;1133399 said:
Chill out brother. Obviously this is getting to confusing for us :aigo: i know what I got to do anyways. Thanks for your time.

Old people

forget everything you think you know and do exactly as jdub says....he is a smart cookie and has forgetten more than you will ever know....let him learn you something!!!

Or don't ever ask questions if you aren't prepaired to listen to answers!


Official SM Expert: Motor Oil, Lubricants & Fil
SM Expert
Feb 10, 2006
Valley of the Sun
super7mgtepower;1133399 said:
Chill out brother. Obviously this is getting to confusing for us :aigo: i know what I got to do anyways. Thanks for your time.

Old people

:: IJ. ::

I prefer "Old Fart".


New Member
Apr 2, 2008
Lawton, OK
rumptis;1133406 said:
I have seen both the high idle and the engine almost dieing problem myself at one point.

Just something else to think about here.

My high idle problem was that my thermostat was stuck open so the engine would never reach full operating temperature. Check and make sure you have one and that its working correctly.

The engine almost dieing problem was cause by a crappy BOV like you have. I had switched from stock to something like yours and it would die all the time after letting off the gas. I switched back to stock and all was good again. I then later got a HKS style and have had no problems with. I have also seen one other people have the exact same problem.

Just my 2 cents after reading through most of this thread.

Bravo very nice guy, The up and down idle was caused from the BOV. Soon as the vac was hooked back up to the power steering made the vac much stronger so it was pulling the valve open causing it to stay open simple mistake missed, i just added few more washer's for more tension runs much better no boost leak to. The Idle is staying at 1000 now and at first start up its about 800. Still not right though tommorow is another day. Also im not doubting Jdub I just know the dashpot is not causing high idle. Its not even touching and the yellow paint is still on the screw so i dont think its been adjusted but how the hell is their a gap then, ive pulled on it to see if it was stuck but nothing. Anyways no hard feelings yall


Official SM Expert: Motor Oil, Lubricants & Fil
SM Expert
Feb 10, 2006
Valley of the Sun
super7mgtepower;1133649 said:
Also im not doubting Jdub I just know the dashpot is not causing high idle. Its not even touching and the yellow paint is still on the screw so i dont think its been adjusted but how the hell is their a gap then, ive pulled on it to see if it was stuck but nothing. Anyways no hard feelings yall

Post #34

jdub;1133274 said:
You are correct about the dashpot...not touching the linkage should have no effect on idle. It still needs to be fixed too.


Mar 18, 2007
Salem, Oregon
jdub;1133655 said:

Someone is too dumb to realize that F--king with the idle screw moved the linkage away from the dashpot. He also has no understanding of where the 7mgte gets idle air from. It is not from the throttle valve but from the ISC. With the ISC delivering idle air there is no need for the throttle butterfly to be open at all!


Mar 18, 2007
Salem, Oregon
sectorzero;1144896 said:
Someone is too dumb to realize that F--king with the idle screw moved the linkage away from the dashpot. He also has no understanding of where the 7mgte gets idle air from. It is not from the throttle valve but from the ISC. With the ISC delivering idle air there is no need for the throttle butterfly to be open at all!

Actually it is not an "idle" screw at all. It has no purpose in the idle circuit. It is a throttle plate position screw which has only one purpose. It is to prevent the throttle plate from slamming so far shut that it seizes in the bore. The screw should never be moved unless the butterfly starts to stick in the closed position. I have found this on Fords may times. The screw provides a steel stop for the linkage to rest against instead of the butterfly resting against the aluminum throttle bore. This butterfly position screw has noting to do with idle adjustment and when mis-adjusted will only cause an air leak, and it will also prevent the dashpot from doing its job. But that is only if you are ignorant enough to screw with it.


Official SM Expert: Motor Oil, Lubricants & Fil
SM Expert
Feb 10, 2006
Valley of the Sun
The idle screw referenced earlier in the thread is on top of the TB on early should be screwed all the way in. The adjusting screw for the linkage will hold the TB plate open. Might want to read the whole thread next time ;)