Got lots more work done now. Enjoy...
Painted the cluster black because it looks cooler now :icon_razz
Fit everything in to make sure it sits fine. It does for the most part.
Full out view of test-fit
Glueing those 2 boards' attachment panels to the inside of cluster so they are screwed in to hold it compressed as the glue dries. I driled the holes for those panels and it was so difficult. Many holes on back of cluster now

That dark piece of acrylic some of you may remember was from the stock digidash, and i had some MAJOR cutting to trim it to fit properly. That took a lot of effort.
Cluster with dark acrylic overtop of boards. I still have other things to layer ontop so don't think that's it geeze! It just looks cool now, more like something that might actually work hehe
