I know how you feel. When I was kid I used to think that all the pain I felt at the dentist was just normal and thats the way it was...until I found out that Im particularly resistant to pain killers in certain families. I was switched to a different anesthetic and walla! I could stand the dentist again.
Most pain killers will NOT take all the pain away and arent really intended to. They are ment to make the pain tollerable within safe dosage levels. Generally, and I stress "generally", you can double a dosage of pain killer and be within safe levels.
Dont however, go mixing in a few beers or a shot of something. The properties of alcohol are not additive, they are muliplicative (I think thats a word, lol). ANYWAY, you should be feeling better very soon.
Most pain killers will NOT take all the pain away and arent really intended to. They are ment to make the pain tollerable within safe dosage levels. Generally, and I stress "generally", you can double a dosage of pain killer and be within safe levels.
Dont however, go mixing in a few beers or a shot of something. The properties of alcohol are not additive, they are muliplicative (I think thats a word, lol). ANYWAY, you should be feeling better very soon.