Tonsillitis is a condition not a sickness or infection. Inflammation of the Tonsils. One of the complications of strep throat is a peritonsillar abscess or simply put a pus pocket on your tonsils. Did they swab the back of your throat? In other words did they push a stick inside your mouth and make you gag. If they did and you got the one shot in the arse deal you got the treatment for Strep throat. You should feel much much better in 24-48 hours after the shot. By the way strep throat his highly contagious. It lives in your nose and throat and can be spread by hand, and object contact (doorknobs, eating utensils, tv remotes). Your a bacterium germ warfare factory for about the next 48 hours after the shot. Go back to the ER if you don't feel better in 48 hrs. Hope you feel better.
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