street racing bust in the local paper


Formerly gnarkill87
Oct 2, 2006
Keros;1188224 said:
To me, there's a BIG difference between doing a pull through 3rd and 4th on an open, empty stretch of highway under ideal circumstances... and stopping traffic on major roads so that idiots can blast around with blatant disregard for the public.

Street racing wouldn't be under fire from every direction if the morons that do it knew the definition to the word 'subtlety'. Street racing has been going on since the beginning of the motor car... only now is it a problem because a [seemingly] large majority of people doing it have no respect for the law, police, or the public.

The issue of street racing being a problem isn't so much street racing itself but rather how it is conducted and where. Blowing down mainstreet through red lights, anywhere, is completely unacceptable under any circumstances. IMHO, I think this problem really boils down to the lack of common sense in the general public. And by General Public, I mean both those doing the organized street racing and those criticizing it. Let's face it, common sense dictates if you put a bunch of cars drag racing around on public streets in a town, it's only a matter of time before someone gets killed somehow, no matter what time of night they're doing it.

I guess what I'm saying is that in my opinion, there's a difference between rowing a gear or two down an empty highway with your buddy and lining up races on main street. Subtlety and common sense are the former, blatant disregard for other people's safety seeths from the latter.

x2, I and my friends (street race) all the time. but we only do it early like 1am or around times like that. and we dont shut anything down if theres traffic we dont do it, we get out on the highway and do a good roll race and imho there is nothing wrong with that! in no way shape or form are we endangering anyone else but ourselves.


Im From The Bay
Mar 14, 2007
Santa Rosa, California
we are. the man is located in clearlake, california, but i cant really release his info. He has also run down my moms fence in her front yard while he was drunk.. he lives right down the road from my mom which makes me nervous as hell.

My friend patrick (victim) is getting everyone to sign something he wrote to get an appeal or get this guys D/L gone forever.

However my friend DID get around 3million for compensation from the drunks insurance company.


Im From The Bay
Mar 14, 2007
Santa Rosa, California
IJ.;1188281 said:
A bigger danger to people and property is the Muppet Drifters sliding around in traffic and populated areas.....

This current fad is downright dangerous as most of these kids don't have a clue.

i've actually NEVER seen anyone drift anywhere illegaly, accept me and my friend at a huge parking lot very late at night. but it may be different in other cities/ countries


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
GrimJack;1188221 said:
Guys, I see the validity of the 'don't race on the street' viewpoint.

However, there needs to be some balance. The punishment should fit the crime.

They are talking about revoking their driver's licenses and impounding their cars. For a group of people that hasn't had an accident. I don't give a damn how fast you drive, as long as you can do it safely, that should be fine. Hell, I don't even care if it's safe, as long as the only person you are risking is yourself.

This BS of lawmaking based on what *might* happen is out of hand. Show me a victim, and I'll show you a crime. There is no victim in this case.

Oh come on. You know there are people who DON'T race that have had multiple accidents and shouldn't be on the road. Old people (no offense, lol) and people who have too much going on in their car to drive w/ half an ounce of sense. Why tempt fait w/ people who are doing double the speed limit mixed w/ those who are driving home from a party, home from a movie, or something like that.

I recall a thread here about some guy claiming to have something like 70+ tickets. Should he be able to keep his liscence because he isn't racing? F*ck no. Obviously he doesn't give two sh*ts about anyone else on the road. Even at 70 tickets, insurance would be astronomical... You can read between those lines.

It's like sky diving. Most of the time you're OK, but get caught with your shoot unopened, and you're going to lose something. If you're going to do it do it legally, if you don't and you get caught, Suck it up. Let this go on and it leaves all kinds of room to grey up other laws. Hell, I could possibly do 150 every day on the 45mph-uninhabited-4 lane-center divided road right out in front of my edition.


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
Nomad707;1188293 said:
i've actually NEVER seen anyone drift anywhere illegaly, accept me and my friend at a huge parking lot very late at night. but it may be different in other cities/ countries

Getting more prevalent here :(

I see it at least once a week.

After the weekend you usually come across at least one broken car parked that's hit a kerb and folded a rear wheel under.


New Member
Apr 1, 2005
I love how there are some hypocrites even on this forum, slamming people who have raced on the streets - Because guess what...In alot of states/provinces, what YOU have done in the past and/or do currently, is considered street racing, so get off your high horse, take a step back and welcome to reality.

There is NOTHING wrong with doing races on a deserted highway at 3am with no traffic, provided the people racing know how to handle the cars. If they lose control, they'll kill themselves. People doing light to light racing, in traffic - They're idiots, plain and simple.

And the argument with police...They embelish everything to make it seem as though they are doing more than they are. They don't WANT to solve the murder problems here, so they target primarily, young males with modified cars...A demographic that can't do much to protect themselves, and with the media's assistance...They are made out to be worse than murderers. While there are SOME good police out there, the large majority out there nowadays are, with lack of better words to use, swine. Powertripping morons that have far too much power. Here, police are allowed to be the judge, the jury and the executioner. A 100% violation of the charter of rights(or the constitution, if you live south of the 49th) - But that's what left-wing politics will get you, and I'm sure you guys will have your share of it coming towards you soon enough. Then the "law abiding" ones will be the ones complaining. Fun times.


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
mkiiSupraMan18;1188296 said:
Oh come on. You know there are people who DON'T race that have had multiple accidents and shouldn't be on the road. Old people (no offense, lol) and people who have too much going on in their car to drive w/ half an ounce of sense. Why tempt fait w/ people who are doing double the speed limit mixed w/ those who are driving home from a party, home from a movie, or something like that.

I recall a thread here about some guy claiming to have something like 70+ tickets. Should he be able to keep his liscence because he isn't racing? F*ck no. Obviously he doesn't give two sh*ts about anyone else on the road. Even at 70 tickets, insurance would be astronomical... You can read between those lines.

It's like sky diving. Most of the time you're OK, but get caught with your shoot unopened, and you're going to lose something. If you're going to do it do it legally, if you don't and you get caught, Suck it up. Let this go on and it leaves all kinds of room to grey up other laws. Hell, I could possibly do 150 every day on the 45mph-uninhabited-4 lane-center divided road right out in front of my edition.
It comes down to the premise of 'show me a victim, and I'll show you a crime.'

Always has, for me. If someone has been in multiple accidents, there is a victum, thus, a crime. Speeding ticket? No victim. Unless you count the guy getting the ticket. Speeding is a quick method of collecting cash for the government, nothing more. Otherwise, speed limits would reduce accidents, while in truth they actually INCREASE the accident level.

I'm a decent example myself. I speed. I speed quite a bit. I'm not an idiot about it, obviously, I haven't had a speeding ticket in nearly 2 decades, and I've never been in an accident where speed was a factor. I've been in precious few accidents, for that matter, 4 total, and three of those within a couple years of getting my license back in the eighties.

It's not like I don't drive much, either. I retired my '82 Celica with over a million kilometers on the clock, and I just drove my Supra the 5000km round trip to SILV and back. At double the posted speed limit for the most part.

By your logic, I should be heavily fined, have my car taken away, and my driver's license revoked, despite the fact that I haven't caused any pain or suffering. By the same logic, we should throw all men in prison, because they are *capable* of rape.


Straight Cougar
Aug 2, 2007
Lancaster, CA
Damn Grim, I think you may convert me. The only reason I have such a big problem with street racers is because I have three of them in my neighborhood that are always racing down residential streets and running stop signs. One of them almost hit me running a stop sign two months ago. I had to call the police on them myself everyday for almost a month before they finally calmed down. When I lived in the San Fernando Valley a street racer flipped his car in front of my house and ended up upside down in my yard.


Permanently Banned Scammer
Apr 14, 2007
clemmons, nc
us311 is a long wide pretty flat highway. i used to drive it alot about 5yrs ago, but it wasnt finished then. it would end at the begining of highpoint. my grandma was a highpoint cop and their biggest problem with street racing was on very crowded main st. i did get a ticket for 101 in 55 on 311, but my grandma called the officer and it went away. i have never raced anybody on that road but i could see why people would want to race there.


Active Member
Jan 16, 2007
Spokane, WA
D34DC311;1188166 said:
the police love to blow things out of proportion to make themselves look good.
D34DC311;1188166 said:
I'm just saying, don't read into what police tell reporters.
You have that backwards. Three years ago, one of my SGTs was forced to shoot and kill a 25 year old man. Why? The man crashed into the patrol car, got out running, and fired a shot at my SGT. He was chased around the corner of a building where he fired twice more towards the Officer. Finally the suspect was cornered in a field. He turned towards the Officer and raised his gun once more, this time though, the suspect was shot and killed. The man's son was in the car at the time and saw the whole thing. Before the Officer could even call his wife to tell her what happened, the media broadcast on the evening news that, "An unarmed man was shot and killed in front of his own son today."
The media will make shit up to make themselves look good.
GrimJack;1188221 said:
This BS of lawmaking based on what *might* happen is out of hand. Show me a victim, and I'll show you a crime. There is no victim in this case.
Sooo, would it be ok for me to shoot into a crowd of people, as long as I don't hit anyone? Nobody gets hurt. There are no victims. It is illegal because I would be recklessly endangering peoples' lives. Someone *might* end up dead.

IJ.;1188281 said:
This current fad is downright dangerous as most of these kids don't have a clue.
mc_h;1188313 said:
They don't WANT to solve the murder problems here, so they target primarily, young males with modified cars...
Do you know how ridiculous that sounds?
mc_h;1188313 said:
They are made out to be worse than murderers. While there are SOME good police out there, the large majority out there nowadays are, with lack of better words to use, swine. Powertripping morons that have far too much power. Here, police are allowed to be the judge, the jury and the executioner.
If that is truly the case, (I don't believe it is) then I understand why your upset.

Now, I know its the cool thing to do, to bash the cops. I used to do it too. I thought the same way most of you do. Then I became one. (Mostly to play with the lights) Quickly I realized the bullshit cops have to deal with. When I get in my patrol car and first look at the calls that are pending in my area, I can't believe some of the crap you people call us for. ":cry:My 14yr old son just slapped my 12yr old daughter and I can't do anything about it.:cry:" Are you fucking serious? Whoop his ass. I'll stand right here and watch you do it.
:runaway:"Come quick. There is a suspicious man in front of my house standing on the sidewalk." What's suspicious about him? ":aigo: Well...he's black" *Gasp!!!*Give me a fucking break. Now I have to waste my time on shit like this. But if I don't show up, the person tells everyone that the police don't come when they are called.
It sounds like some of you have shitty departments. And that sucks.



I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
Dunckel;1188493 said:

This article for example.

Dunckel;1188493 said:
You have that backwards. Three years ago, one of my SGTs was forced to shoot and kill a 25 year old man. Why? The man crashed into the patrol car, got out running, and fired a shot at my SGT. He was chased around the corner of a building where he fired twice more towards the Officer. Finally the suspect was cornered in a field. He turned towards the Officer and raised his gun once more, this time though, the suspect was shot and killed. The man's son was in the car at the time and saw the whole thing. Before the Officer could even call his wife to tell her what happened, the media broadcast on the evening news that, "An unarmed man was shot and killed in front of his own son today."
The media will make shit up to make themselves look good.

Umm, that's 2 different beast your trying to compare here. The media does do stupid shit, I know, hell I don't really read much of it anyways because 99% of the time even it is blow out of proportion. This on the other hand is the police, boasting how they are making the roads safer, by arresting people who are racing on an empty road, but its ok that people in my area are on their 5th DUI...Give me a break, again I'll say it, there are good cops, and bad cops, and cops that are on a power trip.

BTW Dunckel, I do not bash the real police, I bash the police that are out to harass people. I know what shit cops have to go for, tbh I think some of the shit I see on tv or hear about sometimes, I'm screaming punch that piece of shit. Every scenario has its own outcome and ways of handling them.


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
GrimJack;1188356 said:
I'm a decent example myself. I speed. I speed quite a bit. I'm not an idiot about it, obviously, I haven't had a speeding ticket in nearly 2 decades, and I've never been in an accident where speed was a factor. I've been in precious few accidents, for that matter, 4 total, and three of those within a couple years of getting my license back in the eighties.


By your logic, I should be heavily fined, have my car taken away, and my driver's license revoked, despite the fact that I haven't caused any pain or suffering. By the same logic, we should throw all men in prison, because they are *capable* of rape.

That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that if you knowingly speed and get caught, you should be penalized for it , stop your bitching, and move on w/ your life.

10 over and 100 over are two completely different worlds.


Active Member
Jan 16, 2007
Spokane, WA
D34DC311;1188512 said:
This on the other hand is the police, boasting how they are making the roads safer, by arresting people who are racing on an empty road, but its ok that people in my area are on their 5th DUI...
I usually get off around 4am. I drive an empty stretch of highway to get home. I'm glad the authorities are keeping them off of that stretch of road. Because for me, my drive home to see my family is a bit safer.
As far as people still driving after 5 DUIs, you can thank your local prosecutors for that.

D34DC311;1188512 said:
Give me a break, again I'll say it, there are good cops, and bad cops, and cops that are on a power trip.
Oh I agree with you there. It's usually the guys on the SWAT team that go home and play WOW all night that have the inferiority. I like to consider myself one of the "good ones". I don't bother people that are minding their own business. I give more breaks than I give infractions. Usually though, that is dependent on attitude.


New Member
Apr 1, 2005
Dunckel;1188493 said:
Do you know how ridiculous that sounds?
If that is truly the case, (I don't believe it is) then I understand why your upset.

It may sound ridiculous, but what you have to understand is that here, politics plays a big, if not THE biggest factor in police services...Violence hasn't been at the front of the agenda ever before like it has south of the border...But now that the murders are going up, and there's nothing that can be done to prevent it...They shift the public focus to something else. It's underhanded, but when the gov't controls the media...It's how it works.

And...You also have to remember that there is a BIG difference between "real" cops and traffic cops. 90% of the cops here are primarily traffic cops...Most don't deal with the real crimes, that being murders, rapes, shootings etc. - Those police have most people's full respect for what they do, but unfortunately they are a minority.

Case in point...I got pulled over more than THIRTY times in ONE season(see: 8 months, as I didn't drive the supra in the snow) - ONCE was for speeding, 15kmph over...EVERY other time was "exhaust" or "daytime running lights(which the car never came with even)" and so forth. And every time, it was a different officer. Now you're telling me that I should respect those individuals? Real cops, yes - Not them or any other cops like them.


New Member
Apr 1, 2005
This would be true...Here, going 50kmph over results in unconstitutional penalties(pending many class action lawsuits and charter challenges currently) - FAR more severe than somebody that gets convicted of a DUI...or two...or three...

It's actually laughable - Of course, when it comes to that...The police can charge the person, but our courts don't make it stick, and our laws allow for them to keep going back on the road and reoffending

Dunckel;1188531 said:
I usually get off around 4am. I drive an empty stretch of highway to get home. I'm glad the authorities are keeping them off of that stretch of road. Because for me, my drive home to see my family is a bit safer.
As far as people still driving after 5 DUIs, you can thank your local prosecutors for that.


Active Member
Jan 16, 2007
Spokane, WA
mc_h;1188539 said:
Case in point...I got pulled over more than THIRTY times in ONE season(see: 8 months, as I didn't drive the supra in the snow) - ONCE was for speeding, 15kmph over...EVERY other time was "exhaust" or "daytime running lights(which the car never came with even)" and so forth. And every time, it was a different officer. Now you're telling me that I should respect those individuals? Real cops, yes - Not them or any other cops like them.
This is getting a bit off topic here, so I'll respond to this and then go find something else to do for a bit. :icon_razz Last week I conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle, and subsequently arrested someone that had three felony warrants, ranging from aggravated assault with a weapon, to robbery and kidnapping, and had two loaded pistols in the glove compartment. The reason for the traffic stop was due to not coming to a complete stop before leaving a business and entering a roadway. I know, nobody does that. I don't even do that. Do you think I was harassing the poor guy? If he would have been clear with no warrants, It would have only taken a few minutes to confirm and I would have said, "Make sure you drive safe, and have a good night."

We do things like that, to ID people. That's the only reason I do it. I don't care if your exhaust is aftermarket, or if you have a taillight out. If you ever get a ticket for having an aftermarket exhaust, the cop is a dick. He is a dick professionally and probably personally as well. We DO have better things to do than harass people.

Now then, to the OP. I apologize for getting off topic. From here on out, if anyone has a question for the popo, feel free to PM me, and I'll do my best to explain why it is we do the things we do.

BACK ON TOPIC!! Street racing is bad, Mmmkay!


Oct 19, 2007
orlando/ New Smyrna Beach FL
Dunckel;1188616 said:
This is getting a bit off topic here, so I'll respond to this and then go find something else to do for a bit. :icon_razz Last week I conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle, and subsequently arrested someone that had three felony warrants, ranging from aggravated assault with a weapon, to robbery and kidnapping, and had two loaded pistols in the glove compartment. The reason for the traffic stop was due to not coming to a complete stop before leaving a business and entering a roadway. I know, nobody does that. I don't even do that. Do you think I was harassing the poor guy? If he would have been clear with no warrants, It would have only taken a few minutes to confirm and I would have said, "Make sure you drive safe, and have a good night."

We do things like that, to ID people. That's the only reason I do it. I don't care if your exhaust is aftermarket, or if you have a taillight out. If you ever get a ticket for having an aftermarket exhaust, the cop is a dick. He is a dick professionally and probably personally as well. We DO have better things to do than harass people.

Now then, to the OP. I apologize for getting off topic. From here on out, if anyone has a question for the popo, feel free to PM me, and I'll do my best to explain why it is we do the things we do.

BACK ON TOPIC!! Street racing is bad, Mmmkay!

but do you feel there is a difference between street racing like drag sytle or thing of that nature and doing a little pull from 3rd to 4th down the highway?

and i totally agree that actual racing is bad, however i feel that other things should be taken care of first.


New Member
Feb 12, 2007
76 warrants for 31 people who will be charged with 141 offenses; spontaneous speed competition, prearranged speed competition and reckless and careless driving

some of these things ive never heard of, thats bad


New Member
Sep 20, 2008

Why would you even want to do 150 on a highway? Kinda pointless. I admit that I have street raced many times but usually stop before 100. I still mess around...but I am paying for it and have court in a few days for racing on the highway...I was at 11 at night, no one on the highway, etc. Am I mad. Yes. BUT AT MYSELF!!! The cop was doing his job and it was my fault.

I don't attend street races that are scheduled or whatever. That is just asking for trouble.

As for saying the cops have something better to do...they are state troopers guys. That is what they do. They pull people over, give tickets, stop races, and make the highway safer for me and you.

These guys will get whatever they get and have no one to blame but themselves. They know the laws, should no the consequences, and should be able to accept the consequences.

I also second what Dunckel said about firing into a crowd and not hitting is the same way with street racing. One day, someone will be on that road that is supposedly vacant, and someone will hit them.

I just don't know why people hate on the police...but I guess it is easier to blame someone else then yourself.