I found this Walmart PDF on the internet.
* * * Section 2 - Composition I Information on Ingredients * * *
CAS Component Percent
Not Available Lube Oil Additive with Zinc Dialkyl Dithíophosporic Acid Salt, Borated Polyìsobutenyl 13
Succiníc Anhydride, Magnesium and Calcium Alkylaryl Detergents, Solvent Extracted
Mineral Oil and Alkyl Amine
Not Available Lube Oil Additive with Dialkyl Fumarate and Vinyl Acetate in Mineral Oil 2
64742-654] Petroleum Distillaies, Solvent Dewaxed Heavy Blend
64742-54-7 Petroleum Distillates, Hydmtreated Heavy Blend
Component Informatiollllnformaüon on Non-Hazardous Components:
All mineral oils used in this produethave been severely hydrotreated andŕor solvent refined. Exact composition of this
product will vary with availability of materials. All ingredients listed above may not always be included in product. The
maximum percentage of the petroleum distillate andfor residual oil blend contained in this product is: 86%
It looks like there are some form of additives. This was the only straight 30 I found at the super Walmart near me.